The problem was that analysis did not look at the panels that dealt with most of the drug approvals.
This would mean that special teaching techniques (including ones that will help to solve the phoneme-analysis problem) could be applied immediately.
And they both said that the problem with Moody's analysis was that it was backward looking.
His real problem wasn't his analysis, but how it came out of his mouth.
Product management practices differ across companies, but there are two disciplines that are always critical: problem-solving and tradeoff analysis.
In our own analysis of our problem, we feel the currency crisis is both the product of internal and external factors.
Understanding the process, researchers will be able to make an analysis of the problem and what needs to be done to correct it.
The problem with looking for supporting analysis is that we can probably find it (we have Big Data and a myriad of analytical techniques).
Analysis revealed the problem was caused by a broken mechanical component.
It provides a clear, sober and well-written analysis of the problem, both in developed and developing countries, and runs through the options for heading off the worst effects.
Usually, it makes a sensible analysis of the problem, and proposes what should be done: over a capital gains tax cut, for example, or stock-option accounting, or pension reform, or telecoms deregulation.
ECONOMIST: When economics meets politics, guess which one wins
He was an early and enthusiastic adapter of Compstat, a crime-tracking system implemented in 1994 that uses computer analysis to identify problem areas in order to deploy officers and make tactical adjustments to drive down crime.
The problem of bad intelligence is poor analysis and not drawing on public sources of information.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Case Against the Halperin Nomination �� First Edition
Benjamin Graham, the patron saint of securities analysis, sidestepped this problem by averaging a decade of earnings in evaluating a stock.
Over the course of 5 days the participants learned best practices of running rural advisory services, particularly, received in-depth information on the methodology and key concepts of agro-consulting, as well as methods of problem solving, including identification and analysis.
Analysis of the current inflation problem in Argentina by Chief Economist of Standard Chartered Bank, Doug Smith.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Chavez��s dangerous intervention in Peru
"Our initial analysis shows that the general problem of long-term planetary engineering is almost alarmingly feasible, " they say.
The problem for Glaxo was that its own analysis--which it had quietly shared with the FDA--was consistent with Nissen's result.
One key problem, as suggested in a recent analysis by Rob Sentz at Economic Modeling Specialists, is that green is not really about "what" you make but about "how" you make it.
One problem is that on Ms Kanter's analysis, losers can do no right and winners no wrong.
The most comprehensive analysis of dirty money finds 28 problem jurisdictions, and only one could be considered a tax haven.
If your financial problem is complicated and requires a full financial planning analysis, you may want to see if your employer offers a phone based financial counseling through a financial education company, where you can call and get immediate access to actual financial planners who are employed full time as educators.
Rather than the interaction pattern analysis which is essentially a counting or quantitative problem, we are now looking for the deeper meaning, a qualitative problem.
FORBES: Finding Influencers and Influential Events On The Social Web
Another problem for Glaxo: a study from a rival contradicts one analysis Glaxo is using to defend Avandia.
The problem isn't that the report is incomplete, lacks analysis or fails to hold people responsible for the mess.
Porter Goss, the chairman of the House intelligence committee, this week suggested that the main problem was a failure of fact-gathering, rather than analysis.
This point requires further analysis because we are not merely dealing with an internal Honduran problem but also with a problem that has far reaching regional and international implications.
The problem has been the sheer complexity of the data and the ensuing processing and analysis of the information.
BBC: World's most detailed scans will reveal how brain works