But Mr Hennighan said problems existed in the town before the supermarket giant made its decision.
But Sir Alec said that economic problems now existed, for example in the labour market, that Keynes had not foreseen.
And we are still working through the backlog of problems that existed.
CNN: On New Orleans visit, Obama tells critics, 'I'm just getting started'
Domestically, we still have a lot more to do to heal this economy and to deal with some of the structural problems that existed even before the financial crisis hit.
Louisiana is still reeling from the devastating effects of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, but it also struggles with two major problems that existed long before the storms: an uneducated labor force and an unhealthy reputation for corruption.
Mr. DAVID ALPERN (Lawyer for David Ehrlich): To fire him without notice and without any opportunity to ameliorate the problems that apparently existed.
The enormous stimulus amplified problems that already existed to financial-crisis levels.
Now that the mutual fund scandals are ancient history and the SEC (speaking on behalf of the mutual fund industry) assures us that the few problems that ever existed in the industry have been eliminated (none of which the SEC uncovered on its own), attention has shifted to abuses involving retirement plans that generally use mutual funds- the defined contribution plans.
It needs to change, because the church has big problems, most of which existed before 2002 and have nothing to do with sex abuse.
ECONOMIST: The pain of the sex-abuse scandal may be helping the church
Relatively little data existed on health problems in marine mammals in the 1960s, and Dr. Kenney pioneered basic health care for many of the animals he treated.
We will continue to have him focus on the economy and jobs, continue to focus on dealing with the problems that he felt and talked about during the campaign that existed and have existed for quite some time that we haven't addressed.
It's plausible that Merck and the FDA didn't see a trend where one existed--and it's certainly easy to bring up these problems in hindsight.