The courts use it to establish priority in bankruptcy proceedings and real estate sales.
In bankruptcy proceedings, unsecured creditors such as shareholders and employees are last in line.
Bankruptcy proceedings in Europe are messy, and merely to avoid the tangle of multiple jurisdictions is appealing.
We simply cannot trust the judgment of a desperate company as it seeks refuge in bankruptcy proceedings.
This notice is used by courts to establish priority, as in bankruptcy proceedings or sales of real estate.
Of the four mobile satellite services companies now active, two, Iridium and ICO Global Communications, are in bankruptcy proceedings.
But it has presented problems when it comes to working out which assets belong to whom in bankruptcy proceedings.
Flowers has said he wants to buy all of Refco, much of which has entered bankruptcy proceedings in a New York court.
Since subordinated debt has less protection than senior, secured debt in bankruptcy proceedings, Triangle is able to charge higher, junk-bond rates to borrowers.
In bankruptcy proceedings, it is against Federal law to obtain higher wages when performance pay is nil for those leading a much more difficult company to manage.
The new insurance law, expected to take effect next month, will force policyholders, who in bankruptcy proceedings take precedence over holders of subordinated debt, to lose out first.
Shares of Eastman Kodak, a highly speculative bet at this stage since common shareholders are frequently wiped out completely in bankruptcy proceedings, tumbled 35.1% to 36 cents apiece Thursday.
It can also be discharged in a bankruptcy so if you think you might file, you might not want to deplete your retirement savings, which are generally protected in bankruptcy proceedings.
Many investments by hedge funds are hard to value because they are in assets, such as the debt of companies in bankruptcy proceedings, that are not traded and so have no market price.
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They either are still trying to right themselves in the bankruptcy proceedings or have been sold off cheaply.
Earlier this decade two companies Stern ran, Grupo Xtra of New York and Clothestime Stores, ended up in contentious bankruptcy proceedings.
Whatever investors Carl Ichan and SK Telecom, both among the bidders in the bankruptcy proceedings, may have had planned for Blockbuster, its merger with Dish will provide some notable competition to entertainment providers like Netflix and cable services like Time Warner and Comcast.
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Dewey is working to unwind its affairs under judicial supervision in Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings.
They complain that the bankruptcy proceedings left WorldCom in an unfairly strong position.
The plan would be for Chrysler's best assets to be sold to a new company that would emerge quickly from bankruptcy proceedings, perhaps in a matter of days or weeks.
In rich countries, bankruptcy proceedings take less than two years on average.
Instead of filing a lawsuit, Richard Rathvon and 20 other former employees formed a committee to participate in Enron's bankruptcy proceedings alongside banks and other bigger creditors.
Many governments are trying to shake up their lethargic legal systems in order to speed up bankruptcy proceedings.
Gabayzadeh isn't helping: He pleaded the Fifth 540 times in American Tissue's bankruptcy proceedings last April, making it even harder for creditors to track down their money.
Bankruptcy proceedings generally halt efforts to collect judgments in other courts.
Work is now in hand which should make emerging-market defaults more manageable in the future, by a system of bankruptcy proceedings which would enable a debtor to negotiate with its creditors and restructure its debts once a majority of them agree.
While trying to salvage the airline in bankruptcy court, Catsimatidis stumbled on the Chapter 11 proceedings of a fledgling oil outfit called United Refining Co.
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In some states, certain assets are exempted from bankruptcy proceedings.
The company is currently under court protection from creditors in Sweden after unions representing Saab employees began proceedings to put it into bankruptcy over unpaid wages.
"Bankruptcy proceedings are supposed to be open proceedings where business is conducted in the sunlight, " said Michael Goldberg, a Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
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