How often do you allow procrastination to get in the way of your accomplishing more?
Of course being honest about the hefty price of procrastination and indecision can make you squirm.
While on the surface procrastination often looks like laziness, at the heart of it lies fear.
Political procrastination and continued trillion plus dollar deficits will make the problem exponentially worse.
What is the best way to get over the fear and procrastination of making cold calls?
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He reveals his own struggles to overcome procrastination, self-sabotage and countless early career setbacks.
Our number one competitor is procrastination and procrastination is just another word for fear of change.
Procrastination comes with serious costs, a valuable lesson Baku must learn for future hydrocarbon production.
In Good Excuse Goals, Jullien defines procrastination and perfectionism as two sides of the same coin.
FORBES: Procrastination And Perfectionism - Two Sides Of The Same Coin?
Fortunately for us, help is on the way: in the form of procrastination guru Jullien Gordon.
FORBES: Procrastination And Perfectionism - Two Sides Of The Same Coin?
Jullien is a PurposeFinder and Motivational Speaker who recently published a book on confronting perfectionism and procrastination.
FORBES: Procrastination And Perfectionism - Two Sides Of The Same Coin?
All the time, our procrastination can exact a steep toll on our finances, career, business, relationships and health.
Perhaps the main ground for hope is that governments are running out of ways of paying for procrastination.
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The real solution is better productivity and less procrastination, to put you back in control of your business.
We feel the suffering of procrastination, or the frustration of a stuck relationship.
Undue procrastination will almost certainly lead to higher repair bills down the road.
Owner's manuals tend to be conservative in their maintenance timelines, so you can probably afford a year or so of procrastination.
The continued procrastination and lack of detail being offered by the chancellor is irritating, both for businessmen and those advising them.
But I said to Prime Minister Netanyahu, I believe that the current situation in the Middle East does not allow for procrastination.
He even compared Congress and their procrastination to his daughters and how they use their syllabus a day ahead and do their homework.
As it turns out, however, such a lengthy rebate causes many people to procrastinate, with such procrastination leading to lost receipts or forgotten rebates.
Often procrastination is just a way of giving ourselves permission to do a less-than-perfect job on something that doesn't require a perfect job anyway.
Now, I can assume that the kind of procrastination being referenced here is the kind that leads to missed deadlines and other shoddy performance indicators.
Conservative education spokeswoman Elizabeth Smith attacked the Scottish government for what she regarded as procrastination over the future of education since it came to power.
At the end of that chapter, he asks: Imagine what your life would be like if you were completely uninhibited by fear, pride, or procrastination.
Today, video games are no longer just an instrument of procrastination.
His life is a vast digression, full of monologues and procrastination.
Procrastination is the under-commitment of time and energy to a task.
FORBES: Procrastination And Perfectionism - Two Sides Of The Same Coin?
The next day another constituency of hunger, laziness, and procrastination argues persuasively that a box of doughnuts and an easy chair hold the secret to a meaningful life.
Procrastination of this variety is especially dangerous because of the preeminent power of the commodity of time and the compounding nature of opportunity cost, or the price of lost opportunity.
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