That efficiency will be crucial if the US is to stay on the boundary of its production possibility frontier in the face of automatic cuts in federal spending that began last month.
It also has launched a new conventional submarine with the possibility of two production lines.
The new investor gave the company another big advantage: the possibility to build the production line in Europe.
ENGADGET: DICE+ launches $99 developer kit, pre-orders for $40 consumer model start this summer
There are numerous other smaller operations that have every possibility of coming into production as well as a few large ones that could, if they can attract the necessary financing.
"The thing that is so awe-inspiring about the integration of photos and video, along with our smart production capabilities, is the expanded possibility it offers for personal storytelling, " said Roy Klieger , Magisto's Vice President of Product.
ENGADGET: Magisto adds still photos to its AI video editing witchery (video)
As to the possibility that Walsh's production company or 20th Television will shop the show around to other networks, reps for AMW had not responded to EW's request for comment at time of publication.
High-frequency indicators like heavy truck traffic for December fell 3.6 percent on the month, suggesting a high possibility of a negative variation in industrial production for that month.
FORBES: Layoffs In Brazil's Near-Future As Low Growth, Tight Labor Market Persists
It predicted a general decline in domestic production of natural gas through 2010, with the ultimate possibility of its phase-out as a significant fuel.
The Screen Actors Guild is also negotiating a new contract, and an actors' walkout is also a possibility, threatening chaos to TV and film production.
There is a theoretical possibility that traces of pesticides used in food production may remain on products such as fruit and vegetables that have been sprayed.
Monsanto's limited safety research, excessive claims, and business methods which signal the possibility of controlling large parts of world food production through an unproven technology, have been exposed to public scrutiny by a wide range of well-informed critics.
While hardly any shipping, energy production or refining activities have been affected so far, the possibility increases as the oil slick stretches across the Gulf.
Though its financials are good, oil-exploration companies are usually considered higher-risk deals due to the volatility of energy prices and the possibility that they may not be able to take all their wells into viable production.
They had even discussed the possibility of spinning out the drillships division in an IPO, but with the rigs in production still needing financing and contracts that idea is on hold indefinitely.