Otherwise we would all become like you, and civilization would cease to function smoothly and productively.
And so it goes: the calmer Cromwell becomes, the more productively terrifying he is.
We use our meeting time wisely and engage productively by phone, or in person.
It lets physicians, and others in medicine, communicate faster, more productively and cheaper than before.
FORBES: Facebook: Why businesses need to use it - and its new email client
Think about your daily needs and when during the day you work most productively.
This system recognizes that many people use debt productively to maintain their lifestyles and achieve personal goals.
The analytics tools to do so are new, as are the skills required to use them productively.
FORBES: Advertising Week 2010: Digital Fuses Data, Media Buying
They instinctively know that coffee houses are special places, where you can happily, and productively, idle away an entire day.
So it has to be used productively and in response to the dictates of the consumer market.
If you make it more worthwhile for people to work productively and take risks, they will do so.
The foundation credited his work with having "inspired local communities, political leaders, and pharmaceutical companies to collaborate productively".
It also locks up resources, both human and financial, that could be used more productively by stronger firms.
The United Nations and European Union seemed more hopeful that the Hamas government could operate productively and peacefully.
These two groups have been traditionally unable to work productively and collaboratively since they were defined into different roles.
The skills needed to make a team function effectively differ from those needed to be productively as an individual.
FORBES: How Do You Know When It's Time To Leave Your Current Company And Move On?
These six tips can help you to minimize distractions and work more productively.
Business travellers are also able to use their time more productively on trains.
In order to work properly and productively markets need a reliable pricing mechanism.
Surely, when God gave us curiosity, inventiveness and salesmanship, he wanted for us to apply these gifts productively and joyously.
We need to pay serious attention to such concerns if we are going to productively reform the excesses of Sarbanes-Oxley.
The GDP issue is whether the Crash of '08 will cause people to work fewer years, less hard or less productively.
These business structure changes also allow us to allocate resources more productively, continue to significantly reduce administrative costs, and improve efficiency.
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You can argue whether Britannica should exist at all, considering that knowledge is productively (often chaotically) crowd-sourced on Wikipedia and its kin.
Housing prices, not surprisingly, soared about 20% that year as money, which could not be used productively, was diverted for speculative purposes.
The answer: Innovative entrepreneurs create new industries or productively transform existing ones.
Japan is facing two stark questions: How can future society function efficiently and productively when so many of its members are old?
But social media is, in every respect, an essential marketing channel that can be employed productively, once material information has been legally disclosed.
Last week, I profiled two business partners who used a personality test to better understand each other and work through conflict more productively.
In reality, what drives the number of financial interactions is the amount of wealth in existence and the need to invest it most productively.
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People expect betas to work, and even use them productively today (which historically has been a no go, no admin would have deployed beta software).