Consider this conundrum: multiple studies show that teachers profess to value creativity but dislike creative students.
FORBES: Do We Value People Who "Think Different"? In Schools: Mostly Not.
Perhaps you profess to read tabloids only in the supermarket line just killing time.
Though both profess to be keenly Islamic, they are as much tribal as religious.
The NCAA and its member schools profess Title IX equity for women in athletics.
He could both profess his Christianity and scrap with the bouncer at a strip club.
Many people profess to be psychic, and some make great claims for their discipline.
Or are they, as supporters profess, cost-effective platforms essential to achieving critical foreign policy and security objectives?
Even people who profess not to care much for organised labour say they voted against the legislation.
He scorns poverty experts who profess to know more about the subject than the people who live it.
Most of the business figures profess optimism for Hong Kong after it reverts to Chinese sovereignty in 1997.
And believe isn't just what they profess with their lips, it's what we are prepared to act on.
From now on, the leading Wall Street firms will not be able to profess ignorance of such risks.
Those who profess to be innocent can challenge their warnings in hopes of not having their Internet slowed down.
So this extraordinary moment should summon all of us to become what we profess to be: one indivisible nation.
And so the question now is, how hard are we willing to fight for the vision that we profess?
The French may profess satisfaction at scattering Ansar Dine, thanks to months of painstakingly compiled intelligence on the group's bases.
The tenets of what I profess to believe necessitate that I exercise charity and tolerance as a way of life.
"I do not profess, I do not argue that he's an angel, but he is innocent of these charges, " Dayan wrote.
After the fall of the Byzantine Empire in the 15th century, Russia was the only major country to profess Orthodox Christianity.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Post-Mortem on the Russian Elections: What 'Centrists'?
Whether for this reason or from conviction, most profess themselves unfazed by the prospect of a failure to raise the debt ceiling.
They profess to be outraged by "the distortions" produced by countries that have very low levels of corporate taxation, such as Ireland.
One piece of advice: Don't look for it from technical analysts, who profess to find market patterns today that portend tomorrow's direction.
Officials at the Environmental Protection Agency profess an unwavering commitment to science.
FORBES: EPA Biotech Regulation Bucks The Scientific Consensus
Yet both parties profess to believe that the tax code should be simplified and the base broadened, chiefly by eliminating most loopholes.
Some South Africans, three-quarters of whom profess to be Christian, are displeased.
The four established parties profess to be unconcerned about this new rival.
Many world leaders, opinion-shapers and other notables profess enduring friendship with Israel.
Among women, 70% profess to being believers compared to 48% of men.
Practitioners within the oil industry tell me they feel it is almost an unspoken act of treason to profess doubts on peak oil.
To be sure, those insisting that the Bush administration pursue the U.N. option profess a willingness to provide a blessing, after a fashion.