" "Bradley professed that 'the one quality all great generals had in common was their understanding.
Though Google has professed continued support of Motorola, its moves could hurt the handset maker.
Despite his savvy business acumen, Ebbers always professed ignorance of the details of corporate finance.
He was, after all, a self-professed Clinton-Gore Democrat who morphed into a Bush-Cheney Republican.
Linendoll's a self-professed gadget junkie, so we asked her for her other back to school picks.
Despite my professed lack of clothing acumen, I do own nice suits, and even a tuxedo.
FORBES: Things Men Don't Understand, Part 1: Clothes, Joan Didion
Whitney and Lawrence, both self-professed math nuts, became friends after their children did in 2008.
Her public support of his candidacy has underscored his professed support for women's rights.
Professed liberals also tend to abhor political incorrectness that targets racial and religious minorities.
Ann Romney professed from the stage of the Republican National Convention in Tampa Tuesday night.
FORBES: Ann Romney, Chris Christie Declare War For The Women's Vote In Election 2012
Even Mr Luzhkov's chief television tormentor, Sergei Dorenko, has professed his support for Mr Gusinsky.
Then there was the self-professed "pro-Israel, pro-peace" group's panel discussion on Iran's nuclear program.
The developed-country change reflects alterations in professed policy by Russia, Canada and a few others.
"I have four of them, " reports Pauletta Washington, wife of actor Denzel and self-professed jewelry nut.
Most condemn such excesses and have, in the past, generally professed an aversion to politics.
The Oscar-winner professed no qualms about his relative lack of experience in the Grand Prix world.
This self-professed "drinking club with a running problem" is part scavenger hunt, part exercise and part debauchery.
It is surprising (then again, maybe not) that so many self-professed global warming advocates prefer the former.
FORBES: Global Warming Alarmists Chant 'Forget The Carbon, We Demand The Tax'
Although the Bush Administration has professed opposition to such ideas, it has done nothing to discourage them.
The arrest generated wide publicity partly because of Krentcil's deep tan and professed love of tanning salons.
Nobody professed to understand the question of the frozen railroad bonds, perhaps, because everybody understood it too well.
FORBES: Obamacare Waiver Process Is Like Scene From Atlas Shrugged
Greyhound sent him an apology for the Denver incident, but professed ignorance about the rest of the trip.
Unabashed by the reaction to his latest remarks, Mr Mori professed to have nothing to feel sorry about.
And Wenger professed himself pleased with the way his team bounced back from Sunday's painful 2-1 defeat at Wembley.
Yet, the House Republican leadership continues to support the project despite its professed desire to save money wherever possible.
FORBES: GOP Budget Cuts Lead To One Million Lost Jobs - But Protect Boehner's Congressional District
And there he was: a Londoner who professed a love of Iain M.
FORBES: Why Dying Author Iain M. Banks Has My Undying Gratitude
Some members of the media professed shock and surprise at the IAEA announcement.
When approached at their offices in Beijing Thursday, they professed bemusement, not fear.
All in all, about 50 people men and women professed to killing the Black Dahlia.
Despite Mr Sarkozy's professed reformist zeal, France had to battle to raise its minimum retirement age by two years.