The next step is to build a more professionalorganisation which can fulfil the original vision - to transform the way children use and understand computers.
Earlier this month, Eto'o was the only African named in the World XI by members of FifPro, the worldwide representative organisation for professional players.
The report concludes that "it also raises the question as to whether the restructuring of the organisation of Scottish professional league football should be considered".
They have discussed ideas such as trying to keep managers apprised of the latest thinking in their field, developing a professional licence for them and setting up an organisation to punish unprofessional behaviour.
Sir Michael also said scruffy teachers could be rebuked by his organisation, saying school inspection reports should comment on the professional dress and behaviour of staff.
He immediately turned professional under the banner of New Jersey's Main Events, the promotional organisation that had already signed gold medallists Pernell Whittaker, Mark Breland, Meldrick Taylor and Tyrell Biggs.