The profit-making bank has more than 60, 000 members, and offers savings, credit and insurance.
What makes this harder to stomach is that many educational establishments are profit-making businesses.
It is thought at least one other conversion of a profit-making institution is imminent.
There will be many people out there fed up with those jumping on the profit-making bandwagon.
It includes virtually all accredited public, non-profit, and proprietary (privately owned profit-making) post-secondary institutions.
Why are these powerful investments giving up on a profit-making segment of their business with such ease?
This invention, created and brought to market as part of a profit-making endeavor, was a game changer.
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The bank claims that this profit-making activity helps it to dole out money to the poorest countries.
Other surveys have yielded less alarming figures, and even among profit-making HMOs, there is a wide range.
Plans to turn London's International Petroleum Exchange into a profit-making company foundered when member-owners rejected the deal.
Washington and Wall Street have been hesitant to clamp down on the over-the-counter market, the source of much profit-making.
Hence loss-makers, funded from taxes, became themselves profit-making and so massive tax contributors.
Forensic investigations, initiated by the police, may well be conducted by a profit-making company in what is a highly competitive market.
However, in the longer term Everton is hoping to create an interactive application that serves as a template for other profit-making purposes.
Most people assume GOP conservatives are reflexively pro-capitalist, that they embrace free markets, profit-making, and the pursuit of happiness through worldly success.
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And can the people behind it turn it into a profit-making enterprise?
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At present, free schools cannot be run for profit - but the trusts that run them can buy management services from profit-making firms.
To bring things more down to earth, we decided to assess the profit-making ability of small businesses in a variety of more traditional industries.
The Thoroughbred racing and breeding industries have been rightly criticized for not doing enough to support horses when their profit-making days are behind them.
Quick turnaround of these craft is central to realizing the profit-making potential of over-and-over sojourns by piloted and unpiloted vessels to the suborbital heights.
Some residents are incensed about the bike stations, saying the racks block entrances to their buildings or take up park space for a profit-making program.
Coursera intends to become a financially viable, profit-making university project - but raising income from internet traffic and add-on services, rather than directly charging users.
For the longest time, news professionals ignored the profit-making necessity, as if understanding the intricacies of their industry would somehow sully them or compromise their independence.
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Heads of profit-making enterprises reason that it looks self-serving just to come right out and say they want the government to reduce taxes and eliminate costly regulations.
To compete with the profit-making companies for properties, the housing advocates are combining the benefits of their nonprofit structure with the financial flexibility that comes from operating a REIT.
Alas, profit-making companies must earn more than they spend.
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The Convention concerning the International Exchange encourages and facilitates the exchange of publications between both governmental bodies and non-governmental institutions of an educational, scientific and technical, or cultural nature, which are non-profit-making in character.
With the wealth of material coming in daily to TV broadcast archives and prioritization of profit-making activities, it is easy not to see their role in contributing to the preservation of national heritage.
And New Jersey allows money-losing biotechs--of which there are many, since most biotech firms still lose money--to sell their losses to profit-making companies in the state that wish to reduce their state tax bills.