Its electronic health record is based on a 44-year-old programming language called MUMPS (Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System).
Apparently not whoever was programming the point of sale system for K-Mart.
Puppet Labs is the developer of Puppet, software that applies declarative programming to the task of system administration of compute, network, and storage infrastructure in traditional data centers or in the cloud.
FORBES: Why Adopting the Declarative Programming Practices Will Improve Your Return from Technology
The idea, says Buell Duncan III , IBM's general manager for ISV and developer relations, is to create a network of companies large and small, which are conversant in both nonproprietary, or open, computing standards, like the Linux operating system or the Java programming language, and IBM's suite of hardware, middleware and services.
Google is accused of using the Java programming language in its Android mobile operating system unlawfully.
A. and replace it with a system of certification (in programming skills, for example)?
Another interesting feature of Cascalog is that it allows imperative programming to be inserted into the declarative system if it is needed.
FORBES: Why Adopting the Declarative Programming Practices Will Improve Your Return from Technology
Indeed, the regulators worry that programme-making cable companies, which are obliged to make their programming available to their competitors, are loading system costs on to their production arms, thereby passing them on to satellite broadcasters and other cable operators.
The state of the art in this model of programming is Pegasystems, which is often called a BPM system but is really a declarative application development environment.
This not only required an unlearning of the old way of programming (more lines of code equals bigger, better system), but also to adapt the ego to a different measure success.
Windows Me will be Microsoft's last operating system based on its 20-year-old DOS programming technology.
The airport itself points to problems with the fire safety system as the immediate cause of the delays: The fire safety system incorporates some 75, 000 sprinklers, but computer programming glitches mean it's not clear whether all of these sprinklers would spray enough water during a fire.
Having worked as an elementary school teacher in the Los Angeles public school system, Liz was profoundly concerned with the lack of arts programming offered to inner-city children.
As part of a push for the Xbox, MSN wants to focus on original programming that will air via Xbox Live on presumably both the current gen system and the Durango, when it finally should appear.
For all the talk of wanting improved battery life, the limits of technology (and mangling background tasks in the Operating System) mean it is unlikely that current battery technology or programming techniques will lead to any significant increase in battery life in the current physical space given over to the battery.
FORBES: You Can Have It Thin Or You Can Have Battery Life In Your iPad Mini...Not Both
Typically, an attacker will attempt to bypass the username and password system by sending code or characters that confuse the site's programming.
Jolicloud is a stripped down operating system that, instead of running software, connects to Web services using their application programming interface (API).
The new HD system will offer entirely new ways for consumers to play games and enjoy their favorite programming when it launches in the Americas on Nov. 18.
Bug-for-bug compatibility is a problem, but breaking backward compatibility would be a much bigger problem, so even as the lowest layers of the operating system are revised and rewritten, the layers that applictions talk to (the application programming interface, or API) are carefully tested to ensure that no changes are visible to the application.
There was a time when my employer was contracted to do the programming for a phase of the US FBI's "Low Speed Fingerprint Imaging and Acquisition" system.
The Cascalog system has combined the Cascading system for abstraction of advanced data processing on Hadoop and other systems, the Datalog declarative programming language that is well suited for expressing database queries in an abstract form, and the Clojure language to create a declarative language for queries that can be run on Apache Hadoop.
FORBES: Why Adopting the Declarative Programming Practices Will Improve Your Return from Technology
Their strategy is to own the file formats, programming interfaces, communications architecture, development tools and tools that connect applications to applications and applications to the operating system.
"Offering this programming in 3D will enable our viewers to completely immerse their senses in the unchartered landscape that makes up our solar system, " said Derek Chang, executive vice president of Content Strategy and Development for DIRECTV.
ENGADGET: n3D presents History Channel's The Universe in 3D on July 30