The progress made by specific countries in implementing the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage.
However the watchdog's report said it was optimistic about the progress made in some areas.
The amendment called for recognition of the progress made in Scottish education under successive devolved administrations.
And did you feel as though there was any progress made on that front?
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing with Jay Carney, Ben Rhodes, and Shawn Gallagher | The White House
Over the last decade, the progress made by the Brazilian people has inspired the world.
Is there progress made on when House Republicans are going to pick this up?
Today, we are jointly releasing two reports that summarize the significant progress made under these initiatives.
The new farm bill entrenches this support and undoes all the other progress made in 1996.
Mr. Cantor and others have said that there has been solid progress made in these discussions.
James Dennis, CEO of Opta US is very pleased with the progress made so far.
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It also commended progress made, even as it added that "major prosecutions for wildlife crime are still rare".
Much of the progress made by Europe since the Middle Ages is the direct result of cultural exchange.
There has been substantial progress made, even though there are still issues to be resolved on the spending bill.
There was no progress made on the matter among politicians during the weekend.
They felt that the assembly's Children and Families Measure had been central to the progress made in this area.
Report to UNESCO the progress made in this field on a regular basis.
He also pointed to progress made by the government of President Nouri al-Maliki, adding that continued U.S. support was vital.
"It's an example how the progress made in Ireland benefits jobs and businesses here in the United States, " Obama said.
The key to the whole endeavour is the rapid progress made over the past couple of years in genotyping equipment.
The Church said it welcomed the progress made and the opportunity which now existed to move into the future together.
In Jiashan township, the mayor shows off a large blackboard advertising the material progress made by the district's 24, 000 people.
It is absolutely the case that there has been good progress made and that they are getting closer to a resolution.
Defending the government, Finance Minister Jane Hutt highlighted the progress made in terms of grant management over the past two years.
In remarks at the United Nations Tuesday, the special representative of the U.N. secretary-general for Somalia, Augustine Mahiga, hailed the progress made.
This is the concrete progress made today across a whole range of issues to create jobs, opportunity and security for our people.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Singh Press Conference
The physician-patient interaction is critical in successfully managing the progress made in treating these diseases and determining which medication is most appropriate.
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He said any progress made benefited all those working in the industry.
Ms McGeever welcomed the progress made by the committee and the government.
"They will also review the progress made in strengthening our economic ties and in enhancing and modernising bilateral security co-operation, " the statement added.
During the meeting on 16 March 2010, the First Minister Carwyn Jones was asked about progress made in implementing the One Wales Agreement.