In other words, tax share says nothing at all about the progressivity of tax rates.
This extreme progressivity leads to boom-bust cycles of rapidly rising revenue followed by complete collapse.
Thus, I think it would have a natural progressivity, to counteract the regressivity inherent in a sales tax.
Would an increase in the "progressivity" of the tax system be the way out of our budget woes?
Progressivity has resulted in some bizarre history, including a time when U.S. taxpayers paid 70% on some income.
And, according to the plan, it would do so while pretty much retaining the progressivity of the current code.
In addition, the Romney plan came under heavy attack because it lacked progressivity.
FORBES: Days Before Sequester, Bowles and Simpson Offer A Second Plan For Fiscal Sustainability
At the same time, tax reforms must maintain or improve the progressivity in the tax code and promote economic growth.
FORBES: Days Before Sequester, Bowles and Simpson Offer A Second Plan For Fiscal Sustainability
This is an idea that liberals love because it extends the progressivity of the tax code to the wealthiest Americans.
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Thus, House Republicans will find it very difficult to offset the cost of those tax cuts while maintaining the current level of progressivity.
FORBES: Paul Ryan's Budget: Fact, Fiction And The Hole The House GOP Has Put Itself In
The flat tax variant has typically been proposed to allow for some progressivity, via an exemption or credit, but 9-9-9 skips that part.
Basing taxes partly on expenditure rather than just income would therefore go some way towards the ideal of progressivity over a person's lifetime.
ECONOMIST: A new report lays out a blueprint for the ideal tax system
To increase the plan's progressivity the panel added a 15% tax on financial income, though it allows three sorts of tax-free savings accounts.
You cannot prove anything about the progressivity or not of the tax system by looking at the effects of both the tax and benefit system.
FORBES: Alan Krueger's Mistake: The US Tax Code is More Progressive Than Most Other OECD Countries
By eliminating the preference afforded these two types of investment income, Bowles and Simpson believed they could retain the progressivity of the current tax code.
FORBES: Days Before Sequester, Bowles and Simpson Offer A Second Plan For Fiscal Sustainability
Whether they stick to that plan in their revised report, and whether the hoped-for progressivity could be retained in actuality, remains to be seen, however.
FORBES: Days Before Sequester, Bowles and Simpson Offer A Second Plan For Fiscal Sustainability
In practice progressivity has tended to imply more than one rate of tax, for instance, which is necessarily less simple than a flat tax rate.
ECONOMIST: A new report lays out a blueprint for the ideal tax system
The Mirrlees review also has some interesting thoughts on progressivity itself.
ECONOMIST: A new report lays out a blueprint for the ideal tax system
The result is that taxation on the lowest incomes is very low, and the overall system has a high degree of progressivity despite modest top rates.
Business leaders should work with the administration and Congress on tax legislation that would reward work and bolster investment, while retaining the tax system's essential progressivity.
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There were some missteps (the capital gains tax went up by 40%), but in all the Act was a stellar example of bipartisan tax-cutting and progressivity-lessening.
Second, although the Bush tax cuts have been widely derided as a handout for the wealthy, the cuts increased the progressivity of the federal tax code.
In addition, both Feldstein and we use stylized reforms that could not be implemented in practice and that overstate the progressivity of any cut in deduction or exemption.
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And so the question is, is there a way of achieving simplification, but still having some element of progressivity and some element of fairness in the tax system?
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Agree on specific revenue-raisers while maintaining or improving tax progressivity.
But Britons faced progressivity more extreme than their American cousins.
International groups such as the OECD had already pointed out that the U.S. already had what was probably the most steeply rising progressivity of tax rates of any modern nation.
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If the progressivity of the tax code were framed as an expenditure--in the amount of all taxes paid at rates lower than 39.6%--the CBO would have found an enormous benefit to lower-income taxpayers.
Progressivity is a key concern of mine.
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Following the talks, its president Jeroen Dijsselbloem issued a statement saying the group backed fully guaranteeing deposits below 100, 000 euros and said Cyprus would "introduce more progressivity in the one-off levy", provided that the same amount of funds were raised.
BBC: Cyprus told it can amend bailout, as key vote postponed