In murder cases, two-thirds of the project's DNA-cleared cases involved a false confession.
The participants showed a great interest to the programme and worked on real-life cases of project management.
In many cases, project requirements changed after the project had begun.
Though this time I was working on a writing project, the two cases had startup symmetry: the amount of time spent developing was just as stressful, the need for the type of funding that allows you to refine a finished product just as crucial.
As a result, companies should focus on the following core areas: Leadership, Processes, Project Management and (in some cases) Cultural Awareness for all team members.
And while Rocket is a pure incubator, creating companies from its own ranks, both Project A and HitFox are hybrids, in some cases investing in existing companies, in others creating their own.
Essentially, almost anything up to and including containers in some cases, in our view, qualifies as project cargo because a combination of cargos is necessary to make a successful voyage.
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The cases are being investigated by a task force named Project E-Pana.
In such cases, the cash grant program was essential to keeping the project financially viable, under construction, and putting Americans to work.
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The Innocence Project, a national group dedicated to freeing the wrongfully convicted, has handled 258 cases of individuals exonerated because of DNA evidence.
In all cases it is clear that software is a form of artificial life, and each project has its own distinctive culture.
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The rules eliminate the input of federal wildlife scientists in some endangered species cases, allowing the federal agency in charge of building, authorizing or funding a project to determine for itself if it is likely to harm endangered wildlife and plants.
Virdi is working on an outstanding innovative project: use of transmedia technologies to eradicate Honour-Based crimes (over 17, 000 reported cases of Honour Crimes in 2008 in Great Britain, he said).
Patent-holding plaintiffs won 63% of all infringement cases in Dusseldorf between 2006 and 2009, according to recent research by the Global IP Project, a series of studies initiated by the law firm Finnegan.