Bruno and Michel, his half-brother, are the unloved, 40-ish offspring of a promiscuous mother.
Thriving ecosystems require promiscuous behavior, where people are open to experimentation, risk-taking, and sharing ideas.
Still another valid criticism of GDP is that promiscuous government spending can make it look higher.
Female chimps are extremely promiscuous and males, therefore, have little idea who their children are.
TBS, thinks one of the big arguments for alliances is the freedom to be promiscuous.
This is the logic behind Singapore's seemingly promiscuous trade policy of negotiating FTAs with so many countries.
Jarrod fears that all the news coverage of men being promiscuous encourages others to see cheating as inevitable.
The fundamental fact is that the family patriarch, Pinot Noir, is notoriously unstable because it is so promiscuous in producing mutations.
PEPFAR, there is also evidence that the once-promiscuous as well as the recently virginal are becoming less self-indulgent.
The day may come when a global anticorruption specialist in Zagreb excoriates a promiscuous business practice in New York.
True, Keyworth is a promiscuous leaker, but he has always been a leaker.
And it seems that gay men, though often characterised as promiscuous, are settling down in greater numbers than lesbians.
Furtado's awards included best album, fans' choice and best single for her duet with producer Timbaland, Promiscuous - a Canadian number one.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Furtado dominates Canadian awards
Compared with the promiscuous clutter of the open Web--where Google lives, for the most part--the news app is a highly curated experience.
As for getting non- geo-promiscuous customers to keep coming back, I guess businesses will have to keep up the ole put-your-business-card-in-the-fish-bowl-to-win-free-stuff trick.
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Haier has hitherto been one of the country's least promiscuous groups, but even it is starting to look alarmingly like a chaebol-in-the-making.
Robinson openly scorned his whiskey-drinking and promiscuous teammates, once tossing a glass of scotch into a lighted fireplace to demonstrate how lethal liquor is.
WSJ: Chris Lamb: Jackie Robinson��Faith in Himself, and in God
But the same is true in promiscuous relationships with several partners.
FORBES: What if Hugh Hefner were Mitt Romney's Great-grandfather?
The grisly nature of the murder, coupled with rumors about her allegedly promiscuous lifestyle, kept the investigation at the forefront of newspaper headlines for months.
Biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies are often promiscuous with their corporate information as well, says John Quinn, managing director of Quinn International in Great Falls, Va.
The fundamental fact is that the family patriarch, Pinot Noir, is notoriously unstable-not in an Ozzy Osbourne sense, but because it is so promiscuous in producing mutations.
So instead she has chosen to recount the soap-operatic lives of the surrealists, of their promiscuous, scandalous, perfidious and self-obsessed goings-on, all in the name of revolution.
The housing bubble and the promiscuous issuance of exotic junk securities would never have reached the level they did had the Fed not been so recklessly loose in its monetary policy.
That may explain the promiscuous spread of radioactive evidence.
Well, when I was younger, I was very much in agreement, and when it came to choosing, I was very much in the mind-set of who wants the promiscuous vanity of awards?
Younger men were also more promiscuous, with 35% in 1998 saying they had had two or more sexual partners in the previous 12 months, compared with 25% of women aged between 16 and 24.
According to John Gilmore, author of "Severed: The True Story of the Black Dahlia Murder, " the rumors about Elizabeth being "flaky and promiscuous" were fabricated by the press and by those who knew her loosely.
There is nothing worse than a formerly promiscuous aunt now on a crusade for moral rectitude playing the harpy and scold in the sick room, elbowing the doctor aside to upbraid the patient with inappropriately timed, self-righteous sermons.
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In her piece, the thrice-divorced McMillan explains that women are single for one of six reasons: You Are Angry, You Are Shallow, You Are Promiscuous, You Are A Liar, You Are Selfish or just plain You Are Not Good Enough.
Yoweri Museveni, the president of Uganda, who is normally at the forefront of the anti-AIDS movement, has spoken out against it on the grounds that it might encourage men to become more promiscuous (although that does not seem to have been true of participants in clinical trials).
ECONOMIST: The XVIIth International AIDS Conference: Win some, lose some | The