Barry was so happy, that he immediately got out his quartz-slab-prompter and spoke with great eloquence to the people.
FORBES: Barry's Fairyland at Foggy Bottom
Could a student on a video prompter have coffee with a venture capitalist?
Despite the flaws, the overall picture is one of a health service providing more, better and prompter treatments for patients.
ECONOMIST: National Health Service
Yet, every company holds up its net prompter score, renewal rate, and customer satisfaction rating as proof positive they are customer-centric company.
FORBES: Stop Kicking the Can on Customer Loyalty
Now Josh, the I'm-going-to-be-a-reporter-someday crew member, and Michael, the I-really-want-to-be-a-rock-star prompter operator, were around me, wearing the same expression you'd have after witnessing a car wreck.
CNN: Robin Meade talks anxiety and her road to self-confidence