Foreign investors are also waiting for a proper foreclosure law to be promulgated, possibly in October, and the issue of alien ownership of property dealt with.
Based on established legal precedent, the 2nd Circuit decided that the city's decision was proper under established law.
But the law's sponsor says the law is about having the proper license to operate, and if that law closes the only abortion clinic in the state, then so be it.
Kids never really had any idea they were learning how a bill becomes a law or proper grammar while watching the three-minute shorts between cartoons.
It is the nearest thing that exists to a world policeman, but it must operate without a world police force, a world judiciary or a proper world system of law.
They also complain that the law lacks proper funding.
ECONOMIST: The missing debate over schools and accountability
Even though the story is not fully told, the more positive experience of Chinalco in Peru can only be reproduced in countries that maintain a strict rule of law and proper enforcement.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Questionable Chinese mining practices in Latin America
But until portability became part of the law, without proper planning, when the second spouse died anything above the exempt amount not going to charity would be taxed.
FORBES: The Deadline Every Married Person (And Financial Advisor) Needs To Know About
Too often, he complains, the court's judges, using techniques of a now antiquated common law tradition, have made new law, when their proper role is to interpret the constitution.
There is also every indication that the powers in Beijing recognise the importance of the rule of law and that its proper observance in the commercial arena is good for business and at the core of China's prosperity and stability.
Rather than the fog of uncertainty of traditional land law, they are getting proper title deeds.
ECONOMIST: Laying the foundations of a property-owning democracy
Often this can be done within the confines of the law in ways that are perfectly proper.
But in the financial markets, without proper institutional rules, there's the law of the jungle -- because there's greed!
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But Pupil L's lawyer, Cherie Booth QC, is arguing to the Law Lords that he was "denied a proper education".
The lawsuit is complicated and a little weak by its very nature since it attacks Goldman for not making the proper representations rather than for underlying behavior that violated the law.
What about a law textbook that instructs you how to write the proper will?
As sports minister in 1995-98, Pele, Brazil's greatest footballer, proposed a law to subject football clubs to company law, which would have forced them to publish proper accounts.
Using "research groups" or other techniques to educate potential investors before filing with the SEC, instead of the usual "road show" after an SEC filing, would not only skirt the law, but would also violate the spirit of proper disclosure policy.
Other executive orders such as providing law enforcement, first responders and school officials with proper training for active shooter situations as well as releasing a DOJ report analyzing information on lost and stolen guns and making it widely available to law enforcement are both valuable steps.
FORBES: President Obama Strikes The Right Tone On Gun Control
"This is a law enforcement matter and I will leave it to the proper authorities to report what they know and the procedures they are taking, " the senator said in a statement.
Peru's patrimony law dates back to 1930, and Barchitta did not have proper title to the artifacts.
Turkey, in particular, has to show that it is a full democracy, with its generals in their proper, subordinate place and all its citizens accorded decent treatment under the law (see survey).
To ensure that women do not slip back, and that they play their proper part in the new post-revolutionary politics, Tunisia is using the law.
Michael Furminger, a barrister specialising in community care law, said the possibility of people being deprived of their liberty without proper authority was worrying.
Under Arkansas law, Mr LaRouche was entitled to be on the ballot if he followed proper procedures.
The proper place for the consideration of whatever "good ideas" may be found in foreign law is not the courts but the Congress.
If you die intestate--meaning without a proper will or living trust--your assets will be divvied up according to the law in the state where you live.
But Brown argues that he successfully established paternity under state law, and qualifies as a "parent" under the ICWA, thereby giving him proper control and custody of his daughter.
But David has gone some way in that, as requested in this Sarah's Law, names that local people could be involved in looking at confidential information, giving proper warnings about them.
BBC: News | BREAKFAST WITH FROST | Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott