Last autumn saw tense negotiations between Germany, on one side, and Italy on the other about the proper rate for the lira.
ECONOMIST: Can EMU be left to stew?
The tax question is, What is a proper tax rate for the 20% carry?
FORBES: Taxing Question For Private Equity
Only when one starts with the proper interest rate as the base and then goes on to take various risk factors into account, can investments be properly valued.
FORBES: Interest Rates For Dummies: Solving The Interest-Rate Puzzle
They would not claim the ability to set the right price for an automobile, but they somehow believe that they can establish the proper interest rate for a highly complex economy in a globally integrated environment.
FORBES: Hey La, Hey La, Supply Side's Back: The New A-Team Arrives
With the proper combination of rate reductions and eliminated deductions, the AMT would no longer have a purpose, and could mercifully reach its end.
FORBES: One Man's Marching Orders For The Next President
This market, which is an early-warning system for global credit defaults, has been growing at a 50% annualized rate without the proper infrastructure to ensure against the potential risk of a nasty and disorderly shock.
FORBES: Dangers Abound In Hedge Fund Trading
That being the case, as long as the Fed usurps the role of markets in an attempt to set the proper price for credit, its rate machinations will make capital difficult to access.
FORBES: Political Economy
This way, Americans are taught that only fools save, and that it is entirely proper for us to have the lowest savings rate in the developed world.
FORBES: Magazine Article
On the other hand, the mortality rate for children is falling, and the proportion of poor children who receive the proper series of vaccines has grown.
UNESCO: II Part Analytic Section