Israel today is governed by a proportional electoral system that treats the entire country as a unitary voting district.
While Mr Blair remains in office, Lib Dem hopes of a more proportional electoral system for Westminster live on.
The case for a more proportional electoral system could then become irresistible, though that would not answer the immediate question of who governs.
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If, however, something close to a fully federal system has emerged, with real power and legitimacy devolved to regional assemblies and mayors, and with a more proportional electoral system for the Commons, then a powerful upper house may come to seem not only unnecessary but dangerous, for it would risk gridlock.
In future, if the first-past-the-post electoral system is replaced by a more proportional system, such powers may become more important.
Paradoxically, an electoral system based on proportional representation, which led to Mr Prodi's unwieldy nine-party coalition, has produced something resembling a two-party legislature familiar in America or Britain.
Under the country's sometimes baffling electoral system, based on proportional representation, she will be replaced by someone from New Zealand First.
Instead, he was ready to discuss with Mr Veltroni a new electoral system along German lines: proportional representation, with a threshold for parliament.
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It was in 2004 that Colorado Democrats recognized that they could take a major step towards locking in the state for Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry if they could succeed in scraping their own winner-take-all system and bring proportional representation to the electoral vote in Colorado.
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Israel would have to consider its electoral laws and weigh the prospect of moving from a proportional representation system to a direct, district system.
Its job is to recommend a single proportional alternative to Britain's current first-past-the-post electoral system, with voters asked to choose in a referendum between that alternative and the status quo.
In Congress, it should be the largest party in the lower house (despite the electronic vote, the Electoral Tribunal takes several days to confirm the allocation of seats under Brazil's complicated proportional representation system).