When he proposed marriage in June 1994, she accepted and they married the next year.
But as soon as 42-year-old Kelly's boyfriend proposed marriage, she didn't waste any time planning the rest of her family.
In an industry already gripped by price-cutting and slumping demand, the proposed marriage increasingly looks like an act of desperation.
Mr Kerry had the tougher task, of evoking the language of faith (including reminding listeners he is a Catholic) while promising to defend abortion rights and opposing Mr Bush's proposed constitutional ban on gay marriage.
He proposed that they go to a marriage education class, a course offered at their local community center.
The proposed merger would have been a marriage of convenience.
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Education Secretary Michael Gove has offered his support to the proposed legalisation of same-sex marriage but told the Mail on Sunday teachers would not be disciplined for refusing to promote it.
But other prominent Republicans are not rushing to embrace the proposed constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage.
Webb's spokeswoman, Kristian Denny Todd, said Webb does oppose gay marriage but also opposes the proposed amendment on the grounds it would hurt many other couples as well.
The Massachusetts legislature voted against a proposed state constitutional amendment that would ban gay marriage, which is legal in the state because of a court ruling.
But Lebanon's religious courts -- the judicial authorities presiding over each of the country's faith communities, with jurisdiction over matters of "personal status, " including marriage problems -- have criticized the proposed law as an attempt to erode their authority.
In fact, eventually Susan proposed what would become in the modern parlance an open marriage.
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When Rose grew up, Ruskin proposed, unsuccessfully, but one gets the feeling that marriage was not what he really wanted.
In the programme, Hayley's boyfriend Roy proposed to her - but she had to tell him marriage would be illegal because she has undergone a sex change.
Against the intrinsic disorder of the human libido he proposed to reinforce, like a fortress, the institutions of family and marriage and the virtues of fidelity and chastity.
Fortunately for him, however, he had no real constitutional power to do anything other than to act as a sideline cheerleader for a proposed constitutional amendment that would have allowed civil unions but not same-sex marriage.
In Minnesota they defeated a proposed constitutional amendment, modeled on federal law, that would have banned same-sex marriage in the state.