Each twin of a pair played the ultimatum game, both as proposer and as responder.
Any Tory MP can throw his or her hat into the leadership ring, requiring just a proposer and seconder.
Its proposer, Michelle McIlveen, said ensuring sites were secure would minimise the risk of injury, anti-social behaviour and fly-tipping.
In this game, two players, a proposer and a responder, divide a reward.
Sinn Fein's Alex Maskey said he opposed amendments and said it was "a sham debate" triggered by proposer Alex Attwood.
They must also find the backing of at least two members of the Liberal Democrat parliamentary party - one proposer, and one seconder.
Although built mainly in Germany and France, CryoSat-2 is led scientifically from the UK by its proposer and principal investigator, Professor Duncan Wingham from University College London.
Ms Woodford is now an anti-death penalty advocate and is named as the official proposer of the measure, which is backed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).
Mr McCausland said the SDLP's reference to "social landlords" did not include the private-rented sector, however the proposer Mark Durkan said this term was intended to include this sector.
Treasury spokesman Malcolm Bruce has the backing of three, while Simon Hughes, Don Foster, David Rendel and Jackie Ballard have just two MPs each to act as proposer and seconder.
BBC: News | UK Politics | Lib Dem contenders compete for MPs' support
The borough council wants the final decision to be taken out of the county's hands because of concerns that it is both the proposer of the project and the planning authority for it.
BBC: West Norfolk councillors oppose King's Lynn incinerator
If the proposal is that there should be more planning, but that the proposer should have no part whatsoever in said planning, then it might at least be worth considering on its merits.
FORBES: What's The Attraction Of Central Planning Of The Economy?