What I realized was this: Everyone proposing solutions or criticizing unfairness was doing so from the comfortable vantage point of having good health insurance.
Now, some also believe that we should, instead of doing what I'm proposing, pursue a piecemeal approach to health insurance reform, where we tinker around the edges of this challenge for the next few years.
Mr. GAFFNEY: Well, what I'm actually proposing is that Americans do what their government is doing in it's own way which is using financial pressure on exactly these same governments and on their companies to stop doing business with companies like Iran at the moment.
Republican congressional leaders blame the White House for proposing the sequester in the first place, which came about in 2011 as a draconian consequence of doing nothing to curb deficits.
Another often-used argument was that what we were proposing would not stop all criminals from securing or using firearms, and therefore it was not something worth doing.