The late 1800s saw scores of men arriving here to prospect for silver and gold.
The Windows Phone smartphones are likely to be the biggest prospect for Microsoft in 2013.
Longer and healthier lives are a prospect for all of us, according to a global survey.
American officials are talking up the prospect for success, although Chinese statements hardly justify their optimism.
Since trade finance tends to follow trade itself, this is a scary prospect for bankers too.
That makes foreign investors wanting some Asian growth an attractive prospect for small funds keen to grow.
The UK Government called shale gas a "potentially an exciting new prospect for diversifying our energy supplies".
The administration had considered Cox a prospect for the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, but California Democratic Sen.
With its quick sessions, War of the Fallen makes an ideal prospect for a card battler on the go.
That is a sobering prospect for the growing cohort of educated and professional Filipinos who appreciate Mr. Aquino's successes.
Just now that is an enticing, if still distant, prospect for Barack Obama.
But HTML5 is an increasingly interesting prospect for developers, Systrom and Hamoui said.
Then again, it could be a stock with little prospect for future growth.
Such variety is a distant prospect for owners of tablets powered by other operating systems, such as Google's Android.
ECONOMIST: The iPad is a success, but other tablets may not be
To be coming into good form in time for the World Championships is a really exciting prospect for me.
Unfortunately, the prospect for the next round of Fed stimulus is not great.
Another outbreak of financial contagion, spreading finally to the West, is a terrifying prospect for Asia and urgently needs addressing.
Yet there is some prospect for some modest reversal of the drag that fiscal policy has placed on European economies.
So this is a temporary stop on what I believe is the long-term, outstanding prospect for American growth and greatness.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Makes a Statement on the Sequester
The happy prospect for Clinton is that no matter which direction Congress takes, he is likely to come out ahead.
However feasible turtle-driven eco-tourism might be, it is a rather distant prospect for ordinary fishermen such as 35-year-old Nii Ashietey.
The first one is to take note of the decrease in companies using social media to prospect for new customers.
"The MAS congressional majority could have directly selected all the justices, an unsavoury prospect for the political opposition, " she says.
BBC: Bolivia's Evo Morales faces test as voters elect judges
"Regrettably, we believe the political process has ended any prospect for achieving a rational, comprehensive tobacco solution, " the ads read.
That is not a healthy prospect for an ailing company that has been beset with management changes in recent months.
Lehman Brothers seems to have decided that the prospect for German shares is better than it is for American ones.
Part of the lure: The prospect for lining up financing from Japanese government-affiliated lenders and private bank loans with state guarantees.
Despite growing interest in their troubles, that seems a distant prospect for those languishing on the edge of the working world.
Earlier on Thursday, Mr Straw pronounced himself "relatively optimistic" over the prospect for peace in Afghanistan - provided events move swiftly.
The prospect for an agreement on the sequester, tax reform and a budget going forward is just as illusory as ever.