One of my favorite tools is trailing stop loss orders to protect from loss.
Unlike a fallout shelter that protects from radioactive debris, the main purpose of the building was to protect from shock waves and overpressure.
Perhaps most damaging of all, a wealth of information about non-intelligence-related, but highly sensitive , programs he was assigned to protect from foreign espionage.
If a farmer wants to protect from falling corn and soybean prices, it can lock in the price in the futures market, also a hedging strategy.
Exelon has generating plants and regulated utilities that it would surely like to protect from additional capacity, yet it also is trying to build a transmission company.
FORBES: Utility Vs. Utility: Grid Battle Threatens Wind Development
The United States and NATO have begun to field an anti-ballistic missile shield in the southern and eastern parts of Europe to protect from such a threat.
The Design: The British built the original 1902 structure to withstand both weather and pirates, with heavy metal shutters on the windows and deep porticos to protect from wind and heat.
As Urenco owns top secret uranium enrichment centrifuge technology, which the authorities are eager to protect from falling into the wrong hands, all three countries would need to approve any sale of a stake.
Not only will it protect them from inappropriate sites, it will protect them from exercising bad judgment thought their life, including in such areas a dangerous driving or unsafe sex where the stakes can be a lot higher.
Libel laws protect people from defamation, privacy laws protect them from having their innermost secrets broadcast willy-nilly, and laws of contempt protect courts and defendants alike from having their search for justice perverted by irresponsible disclosure during a case.
Since the pertussis vaccine's protection can wear off with time, a booster shot is recommended for adolescents at their 11-year-old checkup visit, as well as for adults who care for young infants, in order to protect from whooping cough until the babies have their own immunity.
On the good side, it is in order to warn others of what's in it, or to better understand what distinguishes it from the Shari'a, or to help protect Muslims from being oppressed by it, or to protect Muslims' rights under the Shari'a.
To further protect the camera from impact, high-performance damping material has been added to protect the lens unit from external shocks.
ENGADGET: Casio trots out world's slimmest shock-resistant digicam: EX-G1 (video)
However, the settlement reached with them specifically prevents the companies from using that deal to protect them from the feds.
And concerning Google TV, which runs on a version of Android, Google prevented users from installing security software to protect themselves from harmful content or malware, per PC World.
Some satellite developers are beginning to design spacecraft so that sensitive instruments are located towards the back of the satellite to minimise any risk of impact damage, and the side facing away from earth is shielded to protect it from meteoroids.
And while a Grand Prix driver's team do want they can to shield him from these pressures, they cannot protect him from his own thoughts.
Our agenda for jobs and growth must help small business owners and employees with relief from needless federal regulation, and protect them from junk and frivolous lawsuits.
Thanks to the VAWA reauthorization, they and so many women with familiar stories will have more access to the resources they need to help heal from the trauma of violence and protect them from violence.
The same U.S. military forces and programs that help protect Israel from Iranian missiles and Islamist terror groups also protect Arab oil-producing states.
FORBES: What Happens When America No Longer Needs Middle East Oil?
"Spanish Flu" is far from a footnote in history for scientists trying to protect us from future flu epidemics.
All babies born in Scotland from May are to be offered a vaccination to protect them from a bug which causes severe diarrhoea and vomiting.
That is a big change from the previous scheme, which was intended mainly to protect America from an intercontinental threat, leaving chunks of Europe unprotected.
Although the mortgage crisis was an extreme case from which many property owners could not escape, landlords can protect themselves from this peril by buying property in neighborhoods that are likely to retain their desirability.
He emphasized that his mother had long kept from him the knowledge of his Jewish forbearers in order to protect him from the fate of her father in turn by the Nazis in a concentration camp in North Africa.
That institution sought to protect itself from a bust it saw coming, and accordingly it sought to protect its stockholders.
FORBES: Don't Blame Goldman Sachs For Hedging Its Bets And Staying In Business
He was young and came from a rich prominent family that was supposed to be able to protect itself from the gangs who have kidnapped more than 300 people this year.
But they warned people suffering from skin cancer could soon start pushing claims through the courts for a failure of the industry to protect them from the effects of over-exposure to the sun.
After being refused the tenancy, Kira Izzard and Laura Cull, from Douglas, said they were shocked to discover there was no legislation on the Isle of Man to protect them from discrimination.
Out of pride, or perhaps from a feeling of vulnerability, those of us who live the homefront life often feel the need to protect ourselves from anyone who has never been left behind during a deployment.