Scuba divers have a vested interested in protecting the coral reefs and ocean habitats they explore.
But what about protecting your business from the shock of losing one of its heroes?
The event explored the importance of an interdisciplinary catchment based approach to managing and protecting water resources.
But, she said, a balance needs to be struck between protecting EU patients and supporting innovation and research.
But Cuomo has framed his proposal as simply protecting the current rights under the Roe v.
But America is not just about protecting a few people who are doing well.
This bill, however, took a "careful and proportionate approach to protecting the public", Mrs May added.
This is not just about protecting Yorkshire, they argue, but the whole of the country.
The best example of this is Japan's continuing passion for protecting small- and medium-sized businesses.
Has the Securities and Exchange Commission ever really been effective in protecting investors from fraud?
Some people suggest that protecting an infant industry with tariffs is a special exception.
The quality and effectiveness of single vaccines in protecting individuals from measles is unknown.
Finally, and most importantly, Internet users should play their part in protecting their own personal data.
He added that all three men also are being investigated under laws protecting Malaysia's parliamentary democracy.
"We don't yet have a system of protecting what we fix, " says project chief Mumm.
It sacrificed its own consumers, protecting local producers in the domestic market while subsidizing exports.
By supporting BST you are protecting the world's forests from being plowed under for farms.
Medicaid reduced financial hardship for the poor, by protecting them against catastrophic health risks.
FORBES: Oregon Study: Medicaid 'Had No Significant Effect' On Health Outcomes vs. Being Uninsured
This day would not be possible without his tireless dedication to protecting our treasured lands.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Signs Major Public Lands Protections
The SEC is keeping information from the very people it is suppose to be protecting.
FORBES: No Freedom of Information When It Comes to Money Managers (November 1, 2000)
In return, the states, in effect, were protecting the big tobacco companies from competition.
Republicans, they will say, are interested only in protecting the rich, and not working families.
FORBES: Obama And Boehner Set To Swap Roles In Payroll Tax Fight
But are we protecting corporate information assets at the expense of missed business opportunities?
FORBES: Time For IT Shops To Get Moving On Enterprise Mobility
Now as governor, one hopes that he will be more concerned with protecting privacy.
Journalists have gone to jail protecting a source, and other times they have not.
Besides deterring identity theft, the rule is aimed at protecting the identities of genuine customers.
FORBES: Bring Lots Of I.D. Next Time You Buy A Car; Dealers Are Looking For Identity Thieves
The report recommends that U.S. forces shift from internal security to protecting Iraq's borders and infrastructure.
No matter who's right, parents will err on the side of protecting their children.
They want the ring fences protecting departments and various bits of government spending torn down.
Green groups would rather government money went into protecting the environment than producing crops.