Businesses will postpone hiring and go into a protective crouch even more than today.
Just as obviously, Sasha Fierce provides cover for someone obsessively protective of her private life.
We've also laid approximately 217, 000 feet of protective boom, and there are more on the way.
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They can also be rewarded with lower insurance rates if they undertake protective measures.
In addition, pain itself is often a protective mechanism that warns you of injury.
An investigation was conducted and Robyn F. was issued a domestic violence emergency protective order.
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Similarly, the macaques are invariably protective of -- and competitive with -- their young.
Services for seniors currently provided include home care, adult protective services, transportation and nutrition.
Other, probable risk factors are alcohol intake, physical activity (protective), and breast feeding (protective).
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Many leagues now recommend or require that pitchers wear a heart guard, a protective chest pad.
She's been living in a protective bubble ever since her surgical process began 11 months ago.
The distinctive door mirrors, with their twin supporting struts, are fitted with a protective grille.
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And even the most fanciful or beautiful helmet is, at its core, a protective dome.
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To Congress and the nation, the Secret Service symbolizes the highest level of protective security.
Inflation buries capital into the ground as people flee toward real estate as a protective hedge.
These men are not going to be protective bodyguards in any shape or form.
She lives on base at Camp Pendleton with three children and a protective beagle.
Drawbacks: Crash insurance is expensive, and the tax rules on protective puts are somewhat unattractive.
It remains inside the neurons for months, pumping out large quantities of the protective proteins.
Naproxen was thought to be slightly protective for the heart, like a weak aspirin.
The workers have to suit up three to four times a day in protective gear.
Increasing numbers of divers are using a protective electronic device, called Shark Shield, while they work.
He did have a 2006 protective order issued against him by an ex-wife in Tennessee.
White advised to be protective with personal information because it's easy to lie online.
Although its protective action won't take effect for about two weeks, the flu season hasn't peaked.
Whether it will be sufficiently protective is a different question, and one well worth attention.
That protective shell exists today, strengthened by years of bureaucratic habit and layers of rules.
Claiborne hoped to regain much-needed edge and relevance, while Rodriguez longed for a protective partner.
The acronym stands for Mission Oriented Protective Posture, with levels of zero through four.
But, famously secretive and protective of its bureaucratic territory, it is likely to drag its feet.