The protester either was knocked off balance or fell to the ground on his own.
We untangled, and the police officer ran to wrestle the protester, who was arrested.
And some well-heeled taxpayers have gotten involved with what appear to be protester schemes.
As the Mother Crow mask was sold, one protester shouted: "These are sacred things!"
The Manhattan district attorney's office wanted the tweets to help its case against protester Malcolm Harris.
Legal pressure has forced Twitter to hand over messages sent by an Occupy Wall Street protester.
Protester Alejandra Canterra(ph) traveled two hours by bus to get to the L.A. protest.
Mr Matrook was attending the funeral of a protester who had been shot the day before.
Protester Daniel Abel, 25, who sleeps at West Park Church, said Zuccotti Park's role was changing.
Protester Kerstine Hillary, a full-time union representative, said she thought her own job was under threat.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Civil servants take strike action
The case to which Mr Bassiouni was referring involved a police officer who shot dead a protester.
The "due process in collection" rights Congress added in 1998 has provided grist for still more protester suits.
"Homeless people will sleep in there in the winter - the welcoming sense is guaranteed, " one protester said.
Reports said a Sikh protester in the courtroom hurled a shoe at the judge after the verdict was pronounced.
Mr. MANUEL CORTEZ (Protester): (Through translator): I'm here because I want all my people to have what I have.
One female protester outside the court this week had flown in from Turkey.
This fact could not be disputed by even the most doveish anti-war protester.
At the corner of Broadway and Liberty Street, a man leaning against a police bus was arguing with a protester.
At a private Halloween party in 2012, the chief dressed as an OWS protester, a person familiar with the event said.
David Julian Guerrero, a 25-year-old protester, waved his statement from student lender Sallie Mae statement and took his lighter to it.
Earlier this year, a ruling involving an Occupy Wall Street protester stated that courts had the right to subpoena tweets.
FORBES: Your Facebook Friends Can Be Used Against You in Court, Judge Rules
There was a smattering of protesters, including an anti-abortion protester up in a tree, and some glitches with the sound system.
Police would also be given the power to remove loud hailers unless a protester had been given prior approval to use them.
Ms. CARLA ALFARO (Protester): We're going to keep on doing the marches and, you know, sending e-mails until someone listens to us.
But three women suing the Met say they had a long-term intimate relationship with him, as he posed as protester "Mark Stone".
Liberal Democrat, Conservative and Green councillors loudly opposed the Labour plan and one anti-cuts protester had to be ejected from the chamber.
Later, as he made impromptu comments during a tour of a local elementary school, Garner was heckled in Arabic by a sole protester.
Raines' own experiences as a protester five months earlier may have provided his first taste of how inhospitable the "vital center" can be.
Herz, the 82-year-old Vietnam protester, was an immigrant of Jewish descent and had reportedly spent time in an internment camp during World War II.
But at Sunday's demonstration, one protester, Simon Hughes, a 25-year-old who offers English-language tours of Berlin, said there was little sense in the planned relocation.