He even quoted an old Chinese proverb about building a "golden bridge" for your opponent.
More to the point, does it have no proverb expressing what the English one does?
In the French proverb quoted by Madame de Pompadour to Louis XV: Apres nous le deluge.
This proverb bounced into my head while working with marketing organizations on their social media marketing campaigns and programs.
As the Greek proverb says, why does anybody plant the seeds of a tree whose shade they will never see?
Citing a proverb from his mother, Mr. Christie said he focuses on the job at hand and lets the future come as it will.
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An old Chinese proverb says that the best time to plant a tree was twenty-five years ago, but the second best time is now.
"I was the woman with the strength of seven men, but now I'm afraid if I stumble, I'll fall, " says 49-year-old Akhtar Bibi, invoking a local proverb.
Mr Conway concludes with an African proverb about long-term investment.
"There is a very, very old Afghan proverb, " he observed.
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In a strange twist on the proverb about not putting all your eggs in one basket, she divides the resources needed to produce a single healthy offspring into two.
To return to the proverb -- consider the past.
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In various interviews he has confirmed that he has little interest in moving to Hollywood and has often cited the proverb "Speak of your village and you will be universal, " as his motto.
The title of the novel comes from an old proverb, "Truth is the daughter of time", and the book directly challenges the received idea that Richard was a tyrant who murdered the Princes in the Tower.
As the proverb says, a journey starts with a single step so begin with the pile closest to you and just set aside one hour at a time to go through each piece of paper and decide immediately whether you will recycle it, toss it, delegate it, file it or deal with it right away or later.
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