The key feature of the program, he added, is providing information and education to consumers.
Moreover, providing information opens up new forms of collaboration between the public and the private sectors.
It helps soldiers prepare for future careers by providing information about education, certification and credential requirements.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Military service benefits civilian life
Nowhereisland will have a land support vehicle, or embassy, travelling with it, providing information about the project.
And it urges providing information that can explain mental illness to children in a way they understand.
Journalists play a crucial role in providing information that is vital for citizens to engage in their democracy.
That problem is most serious when foreign intelligence services themselves are providing information.
Providing information that puts a patent in doubt does not automatically invalidate the patent that is up to the courts.
It said the PSNI had been "slow and reluctant" in providing information which caused the inquiry its "greatest difficulties".
NASA's Internet tool SkyWatch is providing information on viewing the Dragon from Earth.
Van Flein vowed full cooperation and said he would reciprocate in providing information.
CNN: Palin faces questions this month in ethics inquiry, says lawmaker
The majority of food companies are not responsive in providing information about their specific uses, plans and policies toward nanoparticles.
In view of this we are making the following lists providing information and contact details available to professional literary translators.
It is only in the Pairs Match that each competitor can have a coach providing information on wind direction and speed.
"In times of crisis, it's important to try to help people by quickly providing information, " the spokeswoman wrote in an e-mail.
Great care has been given to providing information in a variety of forms (e.g. text, tables, diagrams, audio-files and linked Internet sites).
UNESCO: Introducing the TLSF Dissemination & Training Toolbox
It outlines the pros and cons of different options for providing information to consumers and the initial strategy that DOE is considering.
Stern also said Donaghy is accused of providing information to other gamblers.
Where governments are sensitive about providing information, economists have used other methods.
NGOs (staffed overwhelmingly with lawyers) have concentrated on training and providing information on the arcana of trade law to delegates from poor countries.
The university added in a statement that it was providing information and support to those staff who will be transferring to external partners.
Intel incorporated an integrated approach into this report, providing information on the connection between corporate responsibility performance and the creation of business value.
ENGADGET: Intel wants to have conflict-free processors by the end of 2013
At Art Athina, the capital's international art fair, a few dozen volunteers perform a range of functions, including welcoming visitors and providing information about enigmatic paintings.
When the H1N1 flu crisis first emerged, the United Nations was in the forefront -- and centre -- providing information and coordinating the response.
Stuart Kay, from the branch, said volunteers would be able to help with anything from providing information on welfare funds to filling in forms.
They escalate from doing nothing to providing information to enable choice to carrot-type incentives to stick-type incentives to restricting choice and then eliminating choice.
FORBES: The Fine Line Between Shared and Manipulated Medical Decisions
As well as providing information on autism services throughout Wales, AWARes will give detailed explanations of what autism is, and different treatments and therapies available.
Dr S. Lee, recently appointed Director of ICHCAP, delivered a key note speech, providing information on ICHCAP activities in the area of information and networking.
And also, has the ISI been providing information about this compound?
White House press briefing, Press Secretary Jay Carney responded to a question regarding the administrations cooperation with congress, in providing information on the attack in Benghazi.