Great history and an intriguing thesis combine to produce a well-written and provocatively enlightening book.
As a man, I have found the (provocatively-titled) The Way of the Superior Man to be helpful.
Provocatively, Bartiromo compared Dimon to his former boss and later antagonist Sandy Weill, former CEO of American Express and Citi.
FORBES: JPMorgan's Jamie Dimon: I Won't Feel Bad If We Lose $5B In Europe
More provocatively, what failing institution has been successfully propped up in America through a program of shamelessly direct and deliberate subsidies?
FORBES: Can Subsidizing Families Fix The Economy? Can It Save The GOP?
Provocatively, the commission argued that the single transferable vote in multi-member seats, which is the Lib Dems' favoured system, should be used.
ECONOMIST: In one part of Britain a Liberal Democrat is in charge
According to a story on the World Baseball Classic's official website, a Canadian player provocatively raised his arms at the largely pro-Mexican crowd.
Mr Lawson told Hull Crown Court that Mr Hewison had "squared up" to the group before one of them punched him in the face and then "bounced" round him provocatively.
Rip-roaring adventure, vividly drawn characters, exotic locales in the immediate post-World War I era provocatively, hypnotically brought to life are trademarks of the most underrated, little-heralded novelist of our time.
She has made the headlines several times since returning to Russia, posing provocatively for a Russian men's magazine and turning up for the launch of a Soyuz spacecraft in Kazakhstan.
It would have been unthinkable ten years ago to ask the provocatively downwardly mobile questions raised at a Financial Times conference on the future of America this morning.
FORBES: Does America Have A Financial System That Protects Savings?
He argues provocatively that successive American governments chose cheap credit as a sop to the less-skilled parts of its workforce, who increasingly felt themselves being left behind in a globalised world.
ECONOMIST: The reasons for the crisis and how to stop it happening again
Berkeley, LectureFox, Learn Out Loud, LearnThat, the more pedestrian About U, GCF LearnFree, and the provocatively named VideoJug, as well as the world-renowned TED.
Provocatively, Mr. Taleb defines Black Swans as events (such as the rise of the Internet or the fall of LTCM) that are not only rare and consequential but also predictable only in retrospect.
Whether it was by provocatively modelng in his Armani underwear or being paraded in front of the press in another exquisitely tailored suit, Beckham set the bar high when it came to looking sharp.
Does dressing provocatively at work invite sexual harassment?
FORBES: Elisabeth Hasselbeck's Slam to Erin Andrews: Girl-On-Girl Crime
And perhaps to luxuriate a little in the improved long-term survival chances of a raft of rights to parody and create derivative works, which helps the Internet to do what it does best: make humorous videos which dance provocatively with copyright properties.
FORBES: A New Hope: Star Wars reshot in Team Fortress 2, SCUMM - and many more
It provocatively points out that the U.S.-South Korea Free Trade Agreement (FTA), now set for passage by the U.S. Congress, will soon put Japan at a further disadvantage to its arch-rival, a situation which would only be remedial by accession to the TPP.
FORBES: Noda's "Do or Die" TPP Moment and Agriculture Reform
In Canada we saw that one foolish remark could spark a movement: after a Toronto policeman declared that women should stop dressing as sluts to avoid being assaulted there were large rallies (first in Canada and then in other countries) in which women purposely dressed provocatively as part of a movement.