And I remember that the day - just the previous Sunday I have preached on Psalm 91.
The control group did not show activity in these parts of their brains when listening to the psalm.
The Bay Psalm Book was written by pilgrims 20 years after they established a colony in Plymouth, Massachusetts.
During the service, survivors recited a psalm and a Kaddish prayer for the dead as they lit candles and laid wreaths.
Dr Azari was expecting to see activity in the limbic systems of the Christians when they recited the psalm.
The speaker of Psalm 27 seems transfixed with the terror of potential annihilation.
WSJ: Austin Ratner, Author of In the Land of the Living, on Aposiopesis | Word Craft
Proctor took his Bible out of his pouch and asked his friend if he wanted to hear Psalm 91.
There were 1, 700 copies of the original Bay Psalm Book, of which 11 are now left in various degrees of completeness.
"The Bay Psalm Book is a mythical rarity, " said Sotheby's David Redden.
The Cambridge Press issued one or more broadsides before producing its first full-fledged book, the Bay Psalm Book, in an edition of 1, 700 copies.
The Bay Psalm Book, which was printed in Massachusetts in 1640, is one of 11 remaining copies of a translated version of the Book of Psalms.
Leading a grieving family through the 23rd Psalm while at the death bed of their loved one is worth more than a hundred hours of class time.
The 1640 edition of the Bay Psalm Book is the earliest surviving print from the press, and was adopted by nearly every congregation in the Massachusetts Bay area.
It was a verse from the Hebrew Bible, Psalm 27:13.
WSJ: Austin Ratner, Author of In the Land of the Living, on Aposiopesis | Word Craft
"I actually have my boarding pass framed now, and it's sitting on my desk, right next to a little prayer book I keep with its page turned to Psalm 23, " he said.
But no single video by any of these user-generated superstars has ever attracted as many viewings as a clip of a little girl wearing a "Princess" T-shirt, reciting the Bible's Psalm 23.
On the other side is the elderly man almost in tears as he joined the protestors outside the terminal building in singing Psalm 46, to try and drown out the noise of the engines, as the plane took off.
Thatcher's request, the music included several British composers including Edward Elgar, hymns such as the patriotic "I Vow to Thee My Country" and a psalm set to the music of Johannes Brahms, which she also chose to be played at the funeral of her husband Denis Thatcher.
WSJ: Global Figures to Pay Respects at Funeral for Margaret Thatcher in London
Thatcher's request, the music includes several British composers including Edward Elgar, hymns such as the patriotic "I Vow to Thee My Country" and a psalm set to the music of Johannes Brahms, which she also chose to be played at the funeral of her husband Denis Thatcher.
WSJ: Global Figures to Pay Respects at Funeral for Margaret Thatcher in London
On Sundays, when he looked down from the pulpit at aged faces, at tired eyes, heads turned to hear him better, and when his hand was afterward shaken at the door, he sensed the hope that had flickered into life during the service: in all that was promised, in Psalm and Gospel, in his own interpretations, the end was not an end.