• To overcome these psychological barriers, Iran must take concrete steps to alleviate U.S. fears regarding its nuclear program.

    CNN: Will Iran tensions lead to war?

  • In my view, this is principally due to the psychological barriers associated with investing in asset classes in which investors lack comfort.

    FORBES: Emerging Markets For The Timid

  • As a result, they face powerful psychological barriers to attaining leadership roles.

    CNN: Teach girls to be more like boys

  • "We're breaking through psychological barriers and that will continue to bring investors off the sidelines, " said Darrell Cronk, regional chief investment officer for Wells Fargo Private Bank.

    NPR: Stocks Surge To New Highs After Hiring Climbs

  • For some people it's very comfortable, for me it's not -- like for most people, it's private, it's uncomfortable, and you have to battle with your psychological barriers.

    CNN: Interview with Ang Lee

  • Although round numbers like 8 percent become psychological barriers in finance and economics, the 0.3 percent improvement that drove the unemployment rate below 8.0 percent is probably not substantial enough to have much of a ripple effect, either on the economy or the election.

    FORBES: The Meaning of Sub-8 Percent Unemployment

  • The virtue of the One Year Bible has always been that it offers daily readings from the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Psalms, and Proverbs, but it still offers the psychological barriers that come with such a massive undertaking as trying to Read the Whole Thing.

    FORBES: iAm Resolved: e-Reading the Bible

  • Recognising the existence of these socio-economic and psychological barriers to education, the German Adult Education Association (GAEA) initiated the Ich-will-lernen (I want to learn) Programme in an effort to provide functionally illiterate adults and youths an opportunity to learn how to read and write through the use of the internet.

    UNESCO: Ich will lernen (I want to learn)

  • The e-learning programme is founded on the basic and practical principle that the use of the internet as a learning tool not only creates anonymity and thus dismantles the psychological barriers that prevent illiterate adults from resuming their studies but also enables them to balance their work, family and learning commitments by learning at home at whatever time is suitable to them.

    UNESCO: Ich will lernen (I want to learn)

  • Although donation is generally safe and painless, the chief barriers are psychological and cultural.

    CNN: My mom needs you: Nalini's story

  • Lynn Jeffries certainly believes the existing political elite needs to change its attitude to remove psychological as well as physical barriers.

    BBC: Why aren't more disabled people becoming politicians?

  • Freeman identified five main barriers his patients faced in receiving care: financial, communication, medical system, psychological and personal.

    CNN: Helping patients navigate the health care system

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