The hospital helped her eat, but Ann says doctors failed to address her underlying psychological problems.
They filled out questionnaires and met with someone about the risk of psychological problems.
Facing magistrates Hayden, who has medical and psychological problems, admitted three counts of assault.
More than half of women prisoners, according to Sir David's report, have severe emotional or psychological problems.
Thirty per cent of the implant injury patients reported psychological problems, including four who were diagnosed with depression.
Rights activists say even milder punishment could leave the mother with social stigma and cause severe psychological problems.
"It can leave young victims in agony and with health and psychological problems that continue into adulthood, " the NSPCC says.
People have wondered for a long time whether children who were adopted in infancy are at increased risk for psychological problems.
He also argued that psychological problems prevented Arias from knowing the pain Alexander was going through or understanding what was going on.
But academics who have studied adolescents and music have expressed concerns about the possible effects on children who already have psychological problems.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | This World | Investigating the 'death metal' murders
For people to get well, treatment for psychological problems or "demons" must be integrated into care for addictions, and by qualified professionals.
As I look around, I realise that many of the people here have come with psychological problems or with a history of drug taking.
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"Chinese society has generated enormous pressure on individuals and some of those individuals have perhaps had emotional and psychological problems, " sociologist Ding Xueliang said.
But, save for a sort of long face you'd expect when someone's dismissed for a low score, we seldom see any physical manifestation of psychological problems.
However results emerging from the so-called Mars500 project suggests that even carefully screened individuals are likely to suffer from psychological problems from a prolonged space mission.
She added that some women might clutch at this device as a quick fix for their sex problems rather than looking at the psychological problems causing them.
But the bear was diagnosed with psychological problems early on.
Families can't always spot emerging psychological problems, Shellito said.
He theorized that psychological problems were rooted in a hidden world of past traumas, subconscious emotions and repressed sexual desires and that digging up these hidden forces could prompt a catharsis in patients.
David Brodzinsky, a Rutgers University professor emeritus and a leader in the field of adoption research, says he's not surprised that some psychological problems were more common in a group of adopted children.
Victims who are rescued from the horrors of the flood-ravaged city of New Orleans may have frequent and intense psychological problems similar to those that plague troops returning from Iraq, Afghanistan or Vietnam--problems that could spread to the rescuers as well.
The interdisciplinary study would examine the experience of modern males, particularly those under 35, in a moment in history when they are the minority of college graduates, the majority of suicide victims, have shorter life spans and increasingly suffer psychological problems.
Animals that help people with psychological problems are considered service animals if they are " individually trained to do work or perform tasks, " such as alerting someone with mental illness when it's time to take medication, according to the Americans with Disabilities Act.
WSJ: Should 'Support Dogs' Be Allowed in No-Pets Buildings?--WSJ House Talk
Some children (born around the 24-week mark) can develop extraordinarily well, but up to 50% will have long-term behavioural, psychological and educational problems.
According to the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, infants born at 37 to 38 weeks face problems with brain development and function, including psychological, behavioral and emotional problems.
We can then use medical and psychological science to understand how problems might have originated, and recommend therapeutic solutions.
Doctors report that more than a third of the physical problems they encounter have some psychological basis.
The fact that chronic stress, whether psychological or physiological, can lead to serious health problems has long been appreciated.
FORBES: How Major Psychological Stressors Can Lead To Serious Health Problems
As the name suggests, autism which is, in any case, much more common in men than women may simply be an extreme magnification of traits, such as problems with communication and empathy, that psychological testing has shown (to the surprise of few women) are more frequently found in men.
There are also psychological tests which indicate whether or not a pilot would have problems about killing another person.