But another celebrity's recent wedding announcement suggests they may be slowly winning the fight for public acceptance.
In the 1990s, I earned my spurs campaigning for public acceptance of genetically-modified crops in the European Union.
Even by Mahler's day, the time lag between composition and public acceptance was growing at an alarming rate.
No matter how trustworthy the technology becomes, Hansman said remote-controlled airliners will never become reality without widespread public acceptance.
This marks something of a departure for the police, who have always enjoyed a high degree of public acceptance.
But judging from the lack of a backlash against shows with gay characters, public acceptance has increased over the years.
Growing dissatisfaction with the shortcomings of multiple-choice tests contributed in a major way to public acceptance of the need for explicit standards.
It will be hard to win public acceptance of the rebels as part of government after nearly a decade of callous behaviour.
The Grand Fugue, with its difficult passages and intricate phrasing, remained at a great distance from public acceptance until the early 20th century.
There is still a wide public acceptance of allowing NHL players the ability to continue to tee off on each other during games.
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We all have to figure out where our individual boundaries are in this regard and negotiate the trade-off between personal integrity and public acceptance.
Clinton had found a measure of redemption in public acceptance before.
The purpose of the program is to facilitate the development of commercially viable fuel cell bus technologies and increase public acceptance of the fuel cell vehicles.
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As a result of increasing regulation, however, and growing recognition within the gas industry that its future depends on public acceptance, the treatment of flowback water has improved greatly.
As it was, and given the amount of pork-barrel spending deals needed to pass the bill, public acceptance of the ACA collapsed as more people learned what was in it.
"The department believes that successful predator control can only be achieved when we have demonstrated that it is based on sound science, is cost-effective and has broad public acceptance, " Rue said.
In which case all that will be needed for mobile holography a decade from now will be public acceptance of swarms of miniature cameras everywhere so that multi-angle video images can be converted to holograms.
Public knowledge and acceptance of autism and the difficulties the families face may be growing, as some iReporters told CNN.
For place names, a less traumatic solution would have been to simply push for wider public awareness and acceptance of the current spellings, which broadly follow the M-R system.
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Maybe then we can reach those people who feel lost and scared, educate the public about greater acceptance and, most important, raise awareness so that no one fears having an ostomy or knowing someone with one.
When it comes to steroids, public censure and private acceptance have tended to rise in parallel.
For as much as gaming is moving forward in recent years, gaining acceptance among the public as an art form that appeals to more than just teenage boys and shut-in weirdos, some in the industry seem to be doing everything in their power to reverse course.
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Public interest in his work outstripped its acceptance by the academic meteorologists Mr Schneider was working with at the beginning of his career.
It's easy to conclude that the public image of Prozac has helped fuel social acceptance of antidepressant use.
By then, the acceptance of modern jazz had created the public taste required to appreciate Monk's particular tang.
This evidence and the findings of public-goods experiments led the anthropologists to conclude that acceptance and rejection were strongly linked to feelings of fairness and reciprocity in addition to material benefits.
In all public policy debates, perceptions matter, and public perceptions are often driven by the leading narratives that gain cultural acceptance.
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Even though communicating risks to consumers can be challenging, the public's perception of safety will be paramount in determining the acceptance of nanomaterials.
But the public doesn't always blindly buy what companies believe they should, and acceptance of what is a very radical proposition certainly isn't a foregone conclusion.
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The failure of smoking prevention and treatment in this group is largely down to an acceptance of smoking as a "normal behaviour" and is an indictment on public health and clinical services, it said.