By June 1996 WHYY, the public broadcasting station in Philadelphia, agreed to produce and carry the program.
The role of the Government through its charter, funding and lack of public broadcasting dominated the discussion.
He conceived a radical alternative: an online newspaper,, on the community-supported model of public broadcasting.
The same holds for another meat-eater in a region of vegetarians: the Public Broadcasting Service.
And then, finally, they came up with something to cut: government funding for public broadcasting.
The U.S. government funds NPR, which fired Williams, through Corporation for Public Broadcasting grants.
Romney said he would end federal subsidies to the Public Broadcasting Service, which broadcasts the show.
Nor does the law prevent someone from prospering from the tax-exempt specialty of public broadcasting.
The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) is a non-profit public broadcasting television network founded in 1969.
FORBES: Romney Promises To Cut Taxpayer Funding For PBS (But Says He Still Loves Big Bird)
The Public Broadcasting Service and its Washington flagship station, WETA, refused to air this film.
Unfortunately, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting's arrangement with the Oregon PBS means no such thing.
Anna Polakova, who heads Romani-language public broadcasting in Prague, says the claims are absurd.
ECONOMIST: The Roma in eastern Europe: Canada home and dry | The
With two kids in diapers, my family consumes a lot of public broadcasting.
One thing we agree on is that funding for public broadcasting is a pretty small part of the government enterprise.
The Public Broadcasting System, she noted, grew out of a similar effort that initially was funded by the Carnegie Foundation.
Sesame Workshop, the non-profit educational organization that produces Sesame Street, is a completely separate company from the non-profit Public Broadcasting System (PBS).
FORBES: Romney May 'Like Big Bird,' Too Bad He Doesn't Know Sesame Doesn't Receive PBS Funding
That includes South Dakota Public Broadcasting, which encompasses TV, radio and Webcasting.
It took the form of a 52-minute documentary I helped produce for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting's "America at a Crossroads" series.
Ethan Lindsey of Oregon Public Broadcasting tells NPR's Steve Inskeep that recent state job reports showed thousands of job losses in the region.
Representatives of public broadcasting services from Belgium, Canada, Croatia, France, Germany, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and the United Kingdom will also attend the conference.
The Conference agreed that there was a continuing and important role for public broadcasting in a regional media environment that was dominated by the private sector.
The Public Broadcasting Service got geek this week, debuting NerdTV, a downloadable, Web-only TV series that features interviews with a wide array of technology inventors and executives.
There are grants from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting that we receive, but the vast majority of our funding is rooted in foundations, individual donors and corporate underwriting.
FORBES: NPR's New CMO On The Plan To Thrive In A Digital World
The Hidden Treasures Radio Project series, funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the National Endowment for the Arts and the Cultural Development Authority of King County, Wash.
The show made money with spin-offs, films, books, dolls and foreign rights, bringing much-needed cash into the Public Broadcasting Service whose subsidy is always under threat from Congress.
Where will it leave the strictly regulated public broadcasting sector?
We spoke with him from Mississippi Public Broadcasting in Jackson.
With the proliferation of media from all points of the political spectrum and all points of opinion, why is it important for the taxpayers to still continue to fund public broadcasting?
Georgia Public Broadcasting in Atlanta was using Novell's initial NetWare Web Server, which ran as a NetWare Loadable Module (NLM), but the company replaced the Novell software with Netscape Enterprise Server.
Last week, I reported that a film about what was happening to courageous anti-Islamist Muslims in the U.S., Canada and Western Europe was being suppressed by the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS).