The busiest year for leveraged buyouts of public companies by number was 1988, with 80 going private.
Only 3% of the 500 biggest public companies in the U.S. have female CEOs.
Public companies have every incentive in the world to buy back their own shares.
So, in his view, does this mean the end of durable new public companies?
Most newly public companies trade at or below where they finished their first-day trading.
Some of the old fervor is back in the market for newly public companies.
As public companies, we have dropped the ball in terms of some risk management.
Over the last month large public companies across industries have continued to climb the market.
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Ordinary investors in his public companies get a chance to participate in the gains.
Few public companies today in either America or Europe have a majority of independent directors.
In many cases, the companies have also brought in executives with experience running public companies.
Fourth, our attention is deservedly on the "supply side" of corporate governance, the public companies.
Public companies, of course, can choose between reporting before the market opens or after it closes.
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Would-be public companies take advantage of good market conditions to maximize the money they might raise.
And that is to sell short shares of public companies that are poised to go bankrupt.
Today, in order to maintain success, public companies have become beholden to the market.
Cambridge has proven itself amply capable of building companies that go from start-ups to public companies.
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In short, the inventors at public companies tend to produce more incremental work, rather than breakthrough ideas.
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Or that India has public companies that offer credit to people wishing to buy gold or silver.
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Therefore, both U.S. and non-U.S. public companies will continue to borrow money to buy their own shares.
Sarbanes-Oxley established heightened standards for the boards and management of both public companies and public accounting firms.
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Enron and WorldCom led to Sarbanes-Oxley, which was then deemed a wholly untenable burden on public companies.
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Among the private pilots steering public companies is billionaire Larry Ellison, founder of Oracle Corp.
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Among executives of public companies, corporate aircraft and other transportation for strictly personal purposes are cherished perks.
Brain cycles in large public companies go to waste attending to compliance issues and other cover-your-rear work.
Third, public companies give ordinary people a chance to invest directly in capitalism's most important wealth-creating machines.
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By law, public companies in America must publish the amount that their top five executives are paid.
Like all public companies, they have a duty to their shareholders to minimise their costs of doing business.
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Once one of the elite five big accounting firms, it could no longer do audits for public companies.
That is, buy shares in rotten, mismanaged public companies that can be fixed behind the curtain of privacy.