And then, the managers run this seemingly egalitarian outfit like a public corporation -- with close attention to costs.
It is one thing to disappoint compared to other IPO newborns and quite another to compare to the stillborn public corporation.
Hial is a public corporation which receives subsidies from the Scottish government.
Next year she will undertake research work at the Institute for Food and Agricultural Research and Technology, a public corporation of the Catalan government in Spain.
According to its latest annual report, the Japan Highway Public Corporation manages 6, 851km (4, 280 miles) of tolled motorways, whose charges are among the most expensive in the world.
Another retort is that it is fantasy baseball to believe the Commissioner would just give up his considerable power to veto loans and do whatever else he thinks is in the best interests of baseball by allowing a public corporation to make decisions that he cannot control.
Central Vermont Public Service Corporation shares are currently trading up about 0.4% on the day.
His effort to break up and privatise the road-building agency, the Japan Public Highway Corporation, had to be heavily watered down.
For one thing, it has been reported that Koni is seeking funds from the Public Investment Corporation, which manages government employee's pensions and is entirely owned by the government.
But we believe that -- or rather, we do not support calls to eliminate funding for National Public Radio and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, as is evidenced by our budget.
As corporate insiders, management also has access to material, non-public information regarding the corporation.
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The Council for Transparency is an autonomous corporation of public law, which has its own patrimony.
UNESCO: All Events | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
The U.S. government funds NPR, which fired Williams, through Corporation for Public Broadcasting grants.
Unfortunately, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting's arrangement with the Oregon PBS means no such thing.
CyberSLAPP cases typically involve a person who has posted anonymous criticisms of a corporation or public figure on the Internet.
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It took the form of a 52-minute documentary I helped produce for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting's "America at a Crossroads" series.
There are grants from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting that we receive, but the vast majority of our funding is rooted in foundations, individual donors and corporate underwriting.
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The Hidden Treasures Radio Project series, funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the National Endowment for the Arts and the Cultural Development Authority of King County, Wash.
This story is part of the Hidden Treasures Radio Project series, funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the National Endowment for the Arts and the Cultural Development Authority of King County, Wash.
Racing for a cure is understandable, but understanding and reducing the occurrence of the disease would be revolutionary and should be a goal of any corporation whose public image is so inseparable from breast cancer.
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The host of its non-governmental but government-financed entities, such as Planned Parenthood and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, argue for government funding by stating, correctly, that they are pursuing the public interest as government itself defines it.
IBP, which owns a string of petrol stations, to the big public-sector Indian Oil Corporation.
They will introduce a Bill to convert the Commonwealth Development Corporation to a public-private partnership to increase investment in developing countries.
The licence fee would only be kept as the main method of funding the BBC if the public was convinced that the corporation was spending money wisely, he said.
Instead of pointing out that the Corporation is the only public service utility that works efficiently and is held in universal respect, you asked questions that were bound to bring it into disrespect.
They shifted into high gear in 1997 by taking the firm public as a REIT, a corporation that need not pay any corporate taxes so long as it sends out 90% of its profit to shareholders as dividends.
Coffee chain Starbucks has agreed to pay more UK corporation tax, after a public outcry over how little it pays.
They therefore hired advertising firms to sell the public on the idea of the large corporation, and, not incidentally, to advance pro-business legislation.
Addressing this issue based on the scientific evidence would do much to inform the public, which as a major news corporation is ethically your ultimate responsibiliy.
The corporation hasn't made public any reports of its activities.