That is the price of messing up the public finances as thoroughly as Labour has done.
ECONOMIST: The chancellor��s fiscal statement was all about politics
Britain's public finances, however, are on some measures the worst of any rich country.
Big countries like Poland and Hungary, with soggier public finances, may then want exceptions too.
ECONOMIST: Small countries should adopt the euro��if they can
First, that the state of the public finances demands voters pay more to maintain quality services.
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To its credit, his government recognises that Greece's ills go far beyond the public finances.
Even the European Central Bank has praised its efforts to sort out the public finances.
In the past four years, Britain's public finances have lurched from black to red.
The Treasury's concerns over whether public finances would be secure is one that Alan would share.
The prime minister, Brian Cowen, faces two crunches: the banks and the public finances.
ECONOMIST: Tough times for Ireland��s government��and its people
The rickety state of the public finances also argues against a big fiscal fillip.
The very need for a new fiscal compact stems from previous failures in policing public finances.
But, just now, higher taxes would have a second plus: restoring the public finances.
Consequently, the ability of the government to provide strong and sustainable public finances has been weakened.
BBC: Egypt finance: Qatar steps in to ease Cairo cash crisis
Italy's competitiveness is an even more worrying long-term concern than the state of its public finances.
Fortunately, in both Europe and America, inflationary pressures are extremely low and public finances are healthy.
Clearly, cutting public spending isn't popular, but it's right to bring sense to our public finances.
Even modest downward adjustments to growth forecasts can have a big impact on the public finances.
With the public finances tightening, however, and passenger numbers continuing to rise, that is getting harder.
Yet in the short term much may still go wrong, especially in the public finances.
It guaranteed the obligations of Irish banks to a reckless degree, wrecking the country's public finances.
The Tories say the state of the public finances in the coming years in unknowable.
Restructuring the public finances was precisely the platform on which Mrs Arroyo was re-elected last year.
More intriguingly, people worry about the drain that big projects have put on public finances.
More reform by national governments is needed, not least because their public finances are otherwise unsustainable.
Second, Eurobonds would remove the pressure on improvident governments to put their public finances in order.
ECONOMIST: Eurobonds could restore confidence, but at a cost
Public finances were mostly in balance, public debt fell and the region ran a current-account surplus.
But Spain has opened up its economy and Canada has restored its public finances.
Not least among them is the timely, accurate release of public finances from Indian cities.
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The hole in public finances, which was meant to be closing, gapes ever wider.
The public finances, too, are in less spanking order than they appear at first sight.