No, says Jon Golinger, consumer-program director of the California Public Interest Research Group.
But this is of little comfort to Coney, the privacy advocate with EPIC, a public interest research group in Washington.
But the gift prohibition can be circumvented easily, says Ed Mierzwinski, director of the consumer program at the U.S. Public Interest Research Group.
"You'd be laughed out of the NRC if you asked to build one of these now, " says James Moore, of the Vermont Public Interest Research Group.
Just in time for the holidays comes this warning from the Ralph Nader-inspired U.S. Public Interest Research Group: Manufacturers are slapping too many warning labels on toys.
As many as 900 colleges are pushing students into using payment cards that carry hefty costs, according to the U.S. Public Interest Research Group Higher Education Fund.
"The first bank started surcharging in 1996 and within three years the other banks had followed, " Tracy Shelton, a lawyer for the New York Public Interest Research Group, told BBC News.
For some students, a prepaid card offered through a college may be the fastest way to receive student-loan funds, says Rich Williams, higher education advocate with the U.S. Public Interest Research Group.
WSJ: Companies Push Prepaid Debit Cards Catering to College Students
"In the past six years, there have been nine state senators who have lost in the general election but 11 have been arrested, " said Bill Mahoney of the New York Public Interest Research Group.
The New York Public Interest Research Group also said Tuesday it found more than 100, 000 violations of state campaign finance laws since 2011, including campaign committee failures to file accurate reports and no recent reports at all from 2, 328 committees.
"It's not the perfect solution, but it's a step in the right direction, and it buys us time to find a longer-term solution, " says Rich Williams, higher-education advocate at the U.S. Public Interest Research Group, a nonprofit based in Washington.
"Regardless of this firm's expertise on purely technical matters unrelated to policy formation, Ecology and Environment's participation in a trade association and lobbying effort in support of authorizing high-volume hydraulic fracturing in New York fundamentally disqualifies the firm and its work" for the DEC environmental impact study, Russ Haven of the New York Public Interest Research Group said in a statement released Wednesday.