She will meet Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, tour parliament and deliver a public lecture.
Otaiba's concerns were echoed last Friday by Kahlili in a public lecture at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy.
Just under a year ago, he appeared at a public lecture in a wheelchair to announce that he was suffering from a variant of motor-neurone disease, in which the body succumbs to inexorable paralysis: like being imprisoned in a shrinking cell, he said.
Other women stopped her in public to lecture about the virtues of breast milk.
This week the embassy sent out an announcement to its mailing list urging the public to attend a lecture by former Peace Now director Gavri Bargil at the London School of Economics.
Now Buckley, America's most distinctive public speaker, is giving up the lecture circuit in which he has labored for half a century.
CNN: Lance Morrow: We lose a great speaker, we gain a great book
There will be film showings, painting competitions and lecture series aimed at raising public awareness and promoting creativity and individual action for healthier oceans and coasts.
In her lecture, Mantel described how Catherine's public image was first defined by her clothes, and then her pregnancy.
As her blog and research collection grew, Ebenstein created the Morbid Anatomy Library, a 300sqft space open to the public one day a week, and launched a related lecture and workshop series called Morbid Anatomy Presents in 2009.
The university said a lecture on Sunday evening would be open to the public.
Her novels focus on the Tudors -- and in the lecture, she draws a parallel between the current fascination with Catherine's body and the public scrutiny under which the wives of Henry VIII sought to produce a male heir.
Her novels focus on the Tudors -- and in the lecture, she draws a parallel between the current fascination with Catherine's body and the public gaze under which the wives of Henry VIII sought to produce a male heir.
The lecture came as part of Parliament Week, which is an initiative to try to connect the public with their legislature during the centenary year of the 1911 Parliament Act - the basis of the relationship between the Lords and the Commons.
BBC: Commons Speaker calls for sweeping new committee powers