Mollyann Brody is Vice President for Public Opinion and Media Research for the Kaiser Family Foundation.
EU, Mr Persson must be mindful of the constraints of public opinion at home.
Home Affairs Minister Juan Watterson said a consultation had been launched to gauge public opinion.
The negative public opinion that exists with regard to the pharmaceutical industry is sad and depressing.
Aereo officially spilled over from the law courts into the court of public opinion.
FORBES: Aereo CEO Says Fox's Threat Would 'Disenfranchise' 54 Million People
But death-penalty opponents see subtle changes in public opinion lurking beneath such data (see article).
These crimes, related in awful detail, have outraged public opinion and left it eager for action.
Is public opinion strong enough to support the kind of immigration bill that we're hearing about?
Counter to public opinion, more jobs are saved under the watch of private equity firms.
Twitter -- the closest thing to an instant barometer of public opinion -- exploded with reaction.
In the court of public opinion, celebrities now know that people are cynical, Bossert says.
Clearly, Armstrong Williams is used to not being in the mainstream of African-American public opinion.
Mr Walters claimed farmers were more in tune with public opinion than the government.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South West Wales | Farmer's anti-GM tractor trek
These are controversial suggestions, perhaps unworkable given the current state of eurozone public opinion.
We believe they are a reflection of public opinion on the actions of the targets.
To be sure, the alarmists are on the retreat in the court of public opinion.
As a window on public opinion, language can hardly take the place of polls and surveys.
NPR: 'Talking Right': Why the Left Is Losing, Linguistically
Public opinion on Guernsey's electricity supply is being sought by the States' Scrutiny Committee.
But product advertising can move public opinion faster, and farther, than any other influencing factor.
FORBES: Advertising Helped Bring Gay Rights Into The Mainstream
Dr Patterson said there was a "groundswell" of public opinion that smoking should be banned.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Doctors call for NI smoking ban
Czech and Polish public opinion was increasingly sceptical, or outright hostile to the bases.
The lasting effects on public opinion, at home and abroad, are hard to guess.
"The court of public opinion is going to beat up on you a lot, " Serino said.
He said he was struck by the swing in public opinion against the Taliban.
These efforts have had mixed success, but they have served to galvanise public opinion.
But a considerable portion of British public opinion abhorred the notion of a self-ruling Catholic Ireland.
But as the fuss over genetically modified crops showed, public opinion is also important.
Of course, these A-list children shape more than the public opinion of their parents.
It is pointless for commissioners to act unilaterally, he said, without a change in public opinion.
Assuming public opinion were to swing around to free markets in agricultural goods, new questions arise.