Crafters and knitters get together and crochet pieces of art to cover public furniture or sculpture.
BBC: Knitters transforming Newcastle's public spaces
"It's a solution to an extremely depressing situation, " says Peter Brown, chairman of the Public Monuments and Sculpture Association (PSMA).
BBC: Metal theft: Britain's most annoying crime wave
The area around the sculpture was closed to the public at the time of the incident, as work on the sculpture is ongoing.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Manchester | 'Bang' sculpture spike falls off
The ArcelorMittal Orbit Tower, a huge public art piece being built in the Olympic Park by sculpture Anish Kapoor, will probably remain open to the public as is.
BBC: Touring the cities of Olympics past
The Mei Moses indexes are meticulously constructed from 12, 000 price pairs: the same painting or sculpture appearing at least twice in public auctions.
FORBES: Magazine Article
Meanwhile, the Etro family's vast collection of paintings and sculpture in Milan remains closed to the public.
WSJ: The Fashion Set Saves Italy
Scott Walter, master of the Scottish Assay Office, owned by the Incorporation of Goldsmiths, said the 28in high and 18in wide sculpture would be placed opposite the entrance of the public lobby in the new parliament building.
BBC: Silversmith Graham Stewart with his work
Prof Shoben, who also founded artist collective Greyworld to create art in public spaces, added that there were issues with trying to return the sculpture to the borough.
BBC: Henry Moore sculpture to be sold by London council
In 1999, tormented by vandalism, she temporarily moved to the tranquillity of the Yorkshire Sculpture Park, but it was always assumed a safer permanent public home would be found for her back in East London.
BBC: Henry Moore statue: Minister's concerns over sale plan
In the 1980s Massachusetts was famous for liberal north-eastern public policies that struck most Americans as utterly crazy, such as buying a modern art sculpture for a prison.
ECONOMIST: Al Gore��s chances