Throughout the Middle East, the public sector's share of the economy is among the highest in the world, at 32% of GDP, compared with 20% of GDP for other low- and middle-income countries.
Moody's marked down the UK's credit rating from AAA to AA1 on Friday, the first time this had happened since 1978, blaming the state of the global economy and the impact of public and private sector retrenchment.
The city's unemployment rate (6.4%) is lower than the national average, and the plethora of public sector jobs insulate it against the weak private economy.
Since net stock of private savings is larger than the net stock of public sector liabilities, Koll reckons that the overall effect on the economy would be positive.
The public sector and its debt will take up a bigger portion of the economy in many countries.
The report said that towns and cities with less dynamic private sectors, such as Hull, Doncaster and Newport, would find it more challenging to offset the weak national economy and the ongoing shrinkage of the public sector.
In other words, no matter what the state of the economy, companies in both the private and public sector continue to merge and acquire as a pathway to growth and increased shareholder value.
Coventry is a city famous for car making, but these days it is public sector workers that are driving much of the local economy.
But productivity growth has been disappointing, partly because so much of the economy is in the public sector.
Scottish Liberal Democrat Tavish Scott also raised the issue of the economy and Scottish jobs, reminding the first minister that he had said the public sector would have to prepare for several years of fiscal austerity.
Westminster will take the blame, and there will be calls for something called Plan MacB, the Scottish government's claim that it can go against the grain of public sector squeezing across Europe, loosen the purse strings, and get some growth back into the economy.
Tourism should also benefit from sterling losing its value against other currencies, while Wales' public sector spending, greater as a proportion of its economy than the average for the UK, would also give it a "softer cushion" as the recession went on, he added.
Thatcher took office following Britain's "winter of discontent" of 1978-79, in which public-sector workers' strikes over pay brought the economy to a standstill.
While Naercio believes inflation risk -- currently at 6.5% in Brazil -- is one of the biggest threats to Brazil, with easy lending from public-sector banks hitting consumers if the economy fails to grow.
CNN: Brazil's middle-class boom -- but are they tempting a bust?
When the boom period of credit expansion is coupled with growth in public sector borrowing, however, the subsequent negative impact on the economy will be worse.
FORBES: Links 05 Sept: Keynesians Need To Take Account Of The Long Run
Against that backdrop the Chancellor announced public sector pay rises are to be capped at 1% for two years in his update on the state of the economy.
BBC: What Chancellor's Autumn Statement means for South East
There was frustration at public sector wage reductions and the termination of many benefits, although at a grass roots level it was accepted that the economy was in a mess.
FORBES: Europe's Strikers Make G-20 Protesters Look Like Sissies
But while the economy starts to grow again, and jobs are being created again, the loss of public sector jobs is the main reason why unemployment looks likely to remain stubbornly high.
Thatcher took power following Britain's "winter of discontent" of 1978-1979, in which nationwide strikes over pay by public-sector workers from gravediggers to garbage men brought an economy that had for years been growing at half the rate of its peers close to a standstill.