Mr. Blahous is a senior research fellow at George Mason University's Mercatus Center and a public trustee of the Social Security and Medicare programs.
WSJ: Blahous and Capretta: Exposing the Medicare Double Count
The measures are designed to "ensure internet information security, safeguard the lawful rights and interests of citizens... and safeguard national security and social public interests", and were approved by China's top legislature at the closing session of a five-day meeting on Friday, Xinhua reports.
Rather than band together to force higher taxes on the extremely wealthy (and save public programs like Medicare and Social Security, as well as schools, roads, and other necessary government expenditures), the middle class is divided and politically weak.
FORBES: Forget President Obama: Why Isn't Robert Reich President?
That's because guaranteed public and private annuities, mainly Social Security and corporate pensions, are sure to decline over time, as is Medicare coverage.
Through the CBSI, the United States and its Caribbean partners developed a political framework focused on improving citizen safety by substantially reducing illicit trafficking, increasing public safety and security, and promoting social justice.
As background, Chuck Blahous is one of two public trustees of the Social Security and Medicare trust funds, having been appointed to this post by President Barack Obama and confirmed by the U.S. Senate.
FORBES: How the Supreme Court can Reduce the Deficit: The Fiscal Impact of Ending Obamacare
Mr Ensign's ideas on Social Security and public education look remarkably similar to George W. Bush's, and Mr Bernstein's prescription-drug plan comes straight from the Gore book.
Nor is it necessarily true that anyone counseling a lengthy public conversation on Medicare and Social Security reform running up to a presidential election is timidly kicking the can down the road to avoid the subject.
Hence, virtually all benefits can be paid out of revenues without having to borrow more money from the public, and the relatively small Social Security deficits expected during the coming decade (3% of payroll tax revenues) can and should be covered by earmarking enough general revenues to redeem the Trust Fund IOUs Congress left behind when it looted Social Security during the past 25 years.
Polling continues to show issues such as education, health care and Social Security at the top of the public's agenda, and Americans generally give higher grades to congressional Democrats on those issues.
Until and unless those changes are made, the public will continue to reject both the concept of Social Security privatization and candidates for office that advocate it.
FORBES: Why Americans Are Skeptical About Private Social Security Accounts
The Social Security Administration and the Public Health Service recruited staff for the UMW program.
The public discussion of social security taxes, unemployment benefits, and stimulus takes place in the language of Keynesian multipliers and stimulus counterfactuals.
FORBES: Why Don't the Republicans Play the Media Bias Game On Economic Reporting?
Indeed, for private and public pension funds including Social Security, investing in healthcare companies could be the ideal natural hedge to their growing liabilities.
Sweden has a huge public sector (in 2007 taxes and social-security contributions swallowed more than 48% of GDP), yet even the flintiest liberal has to admit that it is an exceedingly well-run, handsome place.
Pedro Passos Coelho said social security, health, education and public enterprises would have to be cut.
There will be fewer public works, but more spending on social programmes and security.
At that bottom end of the scale, retired and unemployed Americans rely far more on safety nets: the lowest-earning fifth of the population gets 48% of its yearly income from retirement funds like Social Security, and 9% from public assistance programs like food stamps.
If such plans did not exist, who would pick up the tab for those baby boomers looking to retire soon, especially considering that private pension plans are going away, Social Security is nearly insolvent, and public pension plans are severely underfunded and mismanaged by state and municipal governments?
It is, therefore, not surprising that American workers perceive Social Security as a public retirement plan they pay into each and every payday.
FORBES: Replacing FDR's New Deal With The GOP's Version Of The Great Society
If that were true, the public debt might indeed be paid off early and the Social Security and Medicare costs would be more manageable (though they would still not go away).
Palin, who is considering a run in the 2012 Republican presidential primaries, is using her public platforms to reassemble the coalition of security hawks, social conservatives and blue collar workers that propelled Ronald Reagan to the White House in 1980.
In a NY Times op-ed published after his blog post, Cronon recounted the history of Progressive Republicans in Wisconsin who were instrumental in developing Social Security, workers compensation, unemployment insurance and public employee bargaining.
FORBES: Wisconsin Republicans Attack a Brilliant UW Historian
But last week provided an even more striking example of the pragmatic detente between the two men: after months of private conversations with the President, Lott went public with a proposal that would have the effect of restraining Social Security and other entitlements.
The large sub-categories are Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and various forms of public assistance (food stamps, housing support, etc.).
He also said there should be limits to the amount of government debt held by the public and that the ceiling should be lowered as the Social Security surpluses mounted.
Commissions set up to investigate public services, social justice, competitiveness, the environment, the constitution and security have reported back, often in epic detail.
ECONOMIST: The Conservatives are doing well, but not well enough
At stake are the power of public-sector unions and the future of entitlement programs such as Medicare and Social Security.
The enormous projected shortfalls in Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid may outweigh the returns on public investments, so the optimal policy might well be to run surpluses right now.
The public is not sure that President Bill Clinton and Congress will be able to fix Social Security.