But ministers said the profession had been hit by public spending cuts and have reduced teacher training places.
The Tory MP argued in the Financial Times for further public spending cuts to fund employment tax reductions.
They have imposed public spending cuts that are greater than any developed economy has ever succeeded in carrying out.
The EU is sharply divided over the budget, as the debt crisis has forced governments to make tough public spending cuts.
Both the Silvio Berlusconi and Beppe Grillo political camps opposed some of the tax hikes and public spending cuts instituted by Mr Monti.
This indicated that career prospects were better than feared despite a weakening economy and further job losses from public spending cuts, researchers said.
So, the package will not be used to fund the public spending cuts and tax rises needed in bloated economies such as Spain and Portugal.
The TUC has published a report analysing the effects of possible public spending cuts on the 25 local authorities with the highest levels of unemployment.
The bill would give local authorities incentives "to grow their tax bases" and decide how best to "manage their contribution" to public spending cuts, he said.
Dominic MacAskill, head of local government for Unison in Wales, said councils should oppose public spending cuts imposed by the UK government and "challenge austerity Britain".
BBC: Local council budgets squeezed 'until at least 2020-21'
At Commons question time, Mr Paterson faced concerns from MPs that public spending cuts would affect policing in Northern Ireland, where the threat level is currently "severe".
Nor does the labour market support those who claim that public spending cuts have condemned Britain to a permanent loss of capacity from a decaying skills base.
There are fears that public spending cuts in Spain will affect the teaching of silbo at schools, one of the few places nowadays where children learn to whistle.
That's one reason why the chancellor has decided that public spending cuts and tax rises, or the cliched austerity, have to roll relentlessly on until at least 2018.
Paul Johnson, IFS director, said the chancellor was "allowing borrowing to increases substantially in this Parliament... whilst promising another dramatic dose of public spending cuts in the next Parliament".
BBC: UK borrowing will be ?64bn more than forecast, says IFS
It includes whether we're going to have decent frontline services for the future, like social care for the elderly, or whether we're just going to have blanket public spending cuts.
The strongly worded article written by the university leaders is intended as a dire warning against forcing universities to lose funding in public spending cuts after the general election.
But veteran Labour MP Geoffrey Robinson argued that there was "no evidence" to support the government's belief that public spending cuts will be accompanied by rising growth and falling unemployment.
This is not a new phenomenon: when Britain was the largest Fund debtor in 1976, the British government used IMF requirements as the excuse to push through painful public spending cuts.
Oldfield, who admitted swimming in front of the crews, said he decided to demonstrate after hearing about the government's public spending cuts, which he said were "worse than in Dickens's time".
The charity KIDS, which supports disabled children across England, said it had to lose 44 staff last year, after being hit by both the public spending cuts and a fall in donations.
The borough had one of the highest levels of public sector employment in the country "making it potentially vulnerable to public spending cuts", so attracting private sector jobs was important, planners said.
Analysts are now debating whether the labour market is strong enough to weather a series of public spending cuts, known as the sequester, and whether the Federal Reserve will continue with its loose monetary policy.
The Tory promise in the election to ring-fence health spending and increase it in real terms every year even during a period of public spending cuts was distinctive and much-touted during the 2010 election campaign.
BBC: Conservative conference: clearer idea on health spending
The deputy information commissioner Graham Smith told the same seminar that he was worried that FOI work might suffer disproportionately in an era of public spending cuts, a fear that many FOI officers share.
Should a working majority emerge under the leadership of the New Democracy Party, Greece may follow through with the next tranche of public spending cuts demanded by its "troika" of creditors: the European Commission, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank.
Company chairman Malcom Gourlay warned that public sector spending cuts would affect the level of work from educational customers.
And because broad agreements on public-spending cuts lack detail, they also lack urgency.
As the TUC conference opens in Liverpool, the organisation's General Secretary, Brendan Barber, warned against any public sector spending cuts .
Dave Prentis, general secretary of the public service trade union Unison, blamed the increase in unemployment on the government's public sector spending cuts.