Sponsorship does not just make you look brainy and public spirited.
But when they sold the company, the new owners tossed out the public-spirited efforts.
Are Scots really more public-spirited than the English, and if so are they prepared to pay higher taxes?
Mr Gove said he had resisted publishing the information because the DfE "wanted to protect public-spirited volunteers from intimidation".
When you talk to individuals here you meet so many who are public-spirited.
Public-spirited to a fault, Con Ed said it might cut off the electricity supply to the New York Police Department's headquarters.
For that matter, there's a bunch of public-spirited investment bankers with no conflicts of interest over TARP who would be glad to help out.
Progressives believe that the private sector is corrupt, and only the government can regulate the economy in a way that is truly neutral and public-spirited.
He then desired that I would furnish him with a list of the names of persons I knew by experience to be generous and public-spirited.
Some public-spirited hackers are believed to be working on the necessary software, which altruistic peers will be able to install on their machines to stop leeching.
And given how many people get viruses from their friends, it might also be seen as public-spirited for individuals to get protection before they make a connection.
ECONOMIST: A new way of thwarting viral epidemics on computers
One of the key selling points of Obamacare was that it would reduce cost, in large part through smart public-spirited people making optimized decisions from the top in Washington.
FORBES: The Looming Failure of Obamacare, Part 3: Rent-Seeking
It depends on public-spirited bank managers, who are expected to apply for government money, turn their loan books over to the regulators, sack themselves and perhaps pull down the shutters afterwards.
It's also irrepressibly public-spirited, people shaking hands on the street are, apparently, "saying I love you" - illustrated in the Attenborough video, oddly, by two hippopotamuses fighting each other in the Okavango river.
The next few hours will likely see the fate sealed of legislation designed to protect alert, public-spirited Americans from harassment and potentially devastatingly expensive lawsuits arising from their warnings to law-enforcement authorities concerning possible terrorist activities.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Dem leaders try to hand Islamists a victory
This legislation is the so-called "King amendment, " which is designed to ensure that public-spirited citizens are not discouraged, let alone penalized, for doing their civic duty by informing the authorities of activities that could be associated with terrorism.
While it was true that such areas offered little economic incentive at present, a public-spirited railroad, it was said, would undertake to provide transportation for the struggling inhabitants, since the prime purpose of a railroad was public service, not profit.
Embattled McDonald's (nyse: MCD - news - people ) said today that it is testing health food-style "happy meals" for adults at 150 Indiana locations, under what appears to be a spirited effort to convince the public that it is the solution--and not the cause--of the obesity crisis in the United States.