An intense investigation is under way in London following yesterday's rush-hour attacks on the city's public transport system.
President Medvedev asked officials to increase security on the public transport system nationwide.
Road closures and diversions will come into operation on 4 July when work starts on a new rapid public transport system in Bedfordshire.
"But the cost of the technology and the infrastructure would be far better spent on improving the railways and the public transport system".
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | PM denies road toll 'stealth tax'
It said he would use "new policies to further improve the transport and ensure that the public transport system is open to all Londoners".
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | London | Paddick to prioritise black cabs
Some Singaporeans feel that too many foreign workers put a strain on the island state's resources causing problems such as an overcrowded public transport system.
BBC: Singapore: Economic slowdown opens foreign labour debate
Earlier this year, the assembly backed a motion expressing concern at the "poor state" of the public transport system and seeking a comprehensive and integrated policy to be implemented.
That said, Cristiano Ronaldo, Rio Ferdinand and co are unlikely to have to tackle a public transport system so complicated I found myself relying on the goodwill of the locals to get from A to B.
"The public deserves a secretary of state on whom they can rely to be clear about what's going on, to take responsibility for his department and to provide a safe, reliable and affordable public transport system, " he said.
From a solar-paneled rickshaw they explore the cuts being made in transport -- nearly the whole public transport system is run on natural gas (CNG) and the Metro system is expanding to take 17 million cars off the road reducing emissions by 160 millions tons.
It portrays the innovative work of former Mayor of Curitiba (Brazil), Jaime Lerner, who was responsible for developing an efficient public transport system (the MetroBus), and a clever system of sorting of waste (Cambio verde), which offers to the poorest urban dwellers the possibility to exchange recyclable waste for fruits and vegetables.
The public-transport system is one that most capital cities can only dream of.
There is not one case of transmission on our sardine-packed public-transport system or through the air-conditioning systems in office buildings.
An unprecedented share of games-goers will travel to events by public transport, a system already bulging with local passengers.
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These range from the introduction of the Oyster card system on public transport in London, the National Transplant Database and the Pension Service's Pension Credit system.
He introduced a congestion charge in the centre of town (piquing the interest of other cities) and a more efficient ticketing system for public transport, expanding the bus service.
ECONOMIST: The contest to run Europe's biggest city is taking shape
We know we've had chronic under-investment in British public services, now the transport system doesn't need an injection for a year of money, it needs five, six, seven, eight years of sustained extra investment, so does the health service, so do our schools, so do the police on our street.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Breakfast with Frost | Economy is key battleground
Why should it be held to be any different from other government-owned transport modes like public roads, the waterways system, public airports and air-traffic control?
In order to get in: walk or take public transport, such as the metro area's subway system.
Being wrist-mounted, a watch is always close at hand, which makes it particularly convenient when operating contactless readers on public-transport systems (such as those used by London's Oyster system).
Public transport is excellent in Prague, with a well-integrated Metro, tram and bus system.
These include improving public transport, establishing a national energy agency, creating a publicly-owned Bank of Wales, devolving the welfare system and ensuring more public-sector contracts go to local businesses.