The list of addresses was passed to several journalists to publicise what the pair had found.
In Iran, bloggers mounted a campaign to publicise the threat to wetlands from roads and dams.
My family had invited him to stay in this house and helped him publicise his work.
After the law has been changed, ministers will have a duty to publicise the system.
Some states require banks to offer basic accounts, but banks often fail to publicise such services.
Mr Everard said the ban could have served to publicise hunting and make it more popular.
Television producer Desmond Wilcox, who is a stammerer, will be on hand to publicise the counselling line.
But although Apple offered refunds on a case-by-case basis, it did not publicise an official compensation policy.
She agonised over whether to publicise what had happened to her, she told the BBC News website.
Mr Murphy's tour is intended to publicise this finding and to convince other scientists to perform independent measurements.
Though the Stanford researchers have done little to publicise their success, word has spread through the sporting fraternity.
Following the Apps4Africa award Mr Senyo said he now planned a New York launch to further publicise the idea.
Brett de la Mare, 36, was trying to publicise his book Canine Dawn.
One of the reforms would look at ways to better "publicise" the fact that a correction had been made.
But he will also seek to publicise the conditions which Mr Bush attached to the provision of extra American cash.
Even if foreign firms wanted to publicise this information, they might face termination of their contracts if they do so.
To publicise their denial in the South, Martin Luther King led a 50-mile march through Alabama from Selma to Montgomery.
The story underneath was about an increase in the demand for food stamps, after an effort to publicise their availability.
As well as carrying Chesterfield's name and the traditional welcome message, the 11 signs have an interchangeable section to publicise events.
He said it had been sent to 270 groups around the country, who were free to publicise it if they wished.
It ruled out quotas of state school students as "inappropriate" but said universities should set themselves recruitment targets and publicise them.
It also says that there are no Protestants working as part of the entertainments crew, who organise and publicise union activities.
Mr Kaiser has been clever as well as lucky in being able to publicise the Royal Opera House's more positive efforts.
Most banks collate these figures, but are reluctant to publicise their results.
They suggested the institute could be doing more to publicise its decisions.
The iPod-maker had been sued over allegations it had failed to "adequately" publicise that child-targeted games in its App Store included the facility.
The group also used the internet to promote stocks and publicise fake websites to induce investors to capitalise on the internet boom, prosecutors said.
Fifa will also use the event as an opportunity to publicise its "6 villages for 2006" charity campaign in conjunction with SOS Children's Villages.
BBC: SPORT | Football | African | Stars in Germany for 2010 party
Police will widely publicise the fixed camera locations, while mobile units operating from the back of vans will work in conjunction on nearby roads.
Another Anonymous post flagging Operation You've Been Owned, which aims to publicise a US court case that might make it illegal to sell copyrighted goods.