His lifetime consumption of tobacco is a single puff on a cigarette, his only alcohol intake a glass of champagne once a year.
You simply sweep your whole pile of chips into old-economy stocks, then puff on a cigar and wait out the coming convergence of valuations.
Thanks to him, Turks can shop at Carrefoursa, stay in a Hiltonsa, puff on cigarettes made by Philip Morrissa, and have their computers serviced and programmed by I-Bimsa.
Therefore, a puff of water appearing on a Martian sample cooked to that temperature would imply that it is partly made of clay.
You either go into a shell or you puff your chest out, take it on the chin and get on with it.
BBC: SPORT | Football | Internationals | Gilberto backs Gerrard & Lampard
The following recipe features sea scallops and thin slivers of mango on a golden round of puff pastry, sprinkled with a little cilantro.
With a puff of white smoke at the Vatican on Oct. 16, 1978, a Polish cardinal Karol Jozef Wojtyla was chosen as the first non-Italian pope in more than 400 years.
But Vatican insiders aren't the only prospective pontiffs punters can wager on in the hopes that a puff of white smoke will finally put their bank accounts into the black.
Bolivia's future now depends on whether Mr Morales and his allies puff up or deflate.
The song, set to the tune of "Puff the Magic Dragon, " was first played on conservative political commentator Rush Limbaugh's radio show in 2007.
CNN: RNC chairman candidate defends 'Barack the Magic Negro' song
So on July 1 we'll see a puff of smoke from large companies telling us whether they think it is now cheaper to buy than make.
They may huff and puff at the media circus, as reporters constantly ask their views on this or that candidate.
And ministers can be induced to water down bans on smoking in public places by decreeing more areas where people can still puff away.
ECONOMIST: Smoking, governments and health: A wisp of public-spiritedness | The
An editorial in Liberation on Friday said Mr Hollande's interview on France 2 television had disappointed "the many who wanted more than a puff - but rather a blast of anger" over economic hardship and the distress felt by society's most vulnerable people.
Like recent offerings from Ford and others, the 2014 model adds a much larger 9.4 kWh battery to last year's non-plug-in hybrid, letting you trundle on electrons alone at up to 80MPH for 20 miles or so with with nary a puff of CO2.
The fight against corruption is also out of puff: it was made clear this week that self-exiled Bettino Craxi, a former prime minister hitherto wanted on several charges, would face none if he came home.