First, a wide open field of Republican contenders will likely pull hard right, alienating independents.
She must pull hard enough to create change, without ripping apart morale.
Or you can just grab whatever part of the appendix is visible and pull really hard.
Meanwhile, her son Harry (Jared Leto) and his girlfriend, Marion (Jennifer Connelly), yield to the pull of hard drugs.
But the Raptors bounced back again, blocking a number of close-range Knicks shots, and it looked like they would pull out a hard-fought victory and end Lin's feel-good streak.
Asset disposals, one obvious way of raising cash, are extremely hard to pull off at the moment.
It was both faithful and unique, which is hard to pull off with such a classic superhero look.
But this is hard to pull off in weak states teeming with peasants in search of somewhere to plant their crops.
Yet the economic overhaul needed to make dollarisation work would be hard to pull off even with a strong and credible president.
Of course, such a genre-bending game would be hard to pull off.
Google has been working hard to pull together a huge alliance of partners that will support the technology behind its mobile phone platform.
National governments and the European Parliament must now draw up rules that will decide if an initiative is easy or hard to pull off.
Second, history shows that soft landings are hard to pull off.
Even if News Corp does start charging and others follow suit, analysts say doing a U-turn on the free news model will be hard to pull off.
"It has left us with a challenge because the scheme has got momentum and trust and it's going to be hard to pull back from it, " she said.
Google (nasdaq: GOOG - news - people ) has been working hard to pull together a huge alliance of partners that will support the technology behind its mobile phone platform.
To me, an ornate primping station seems a little, well, vain: delovely in theory but, like a certain over-the-top sequined dress that hangs unworn in my closet, hard to pull off in practice.
However, it is not clear to me that she has been an outspoken advocate working hard to pull other women along with her or after her as Ms. Bartz has surely tried to do.
With so much communication via email these days, it can be hard to pull the trigger and initiate a face-to-face conversation when you sense that an online interaction is becoming too heated or simply too difficult to do well online.
And it's freakishly hard to pull off in a sawmill like New York, which strips apart its sports icons from the outside in, questioning first the performance, then the commitment, and then the character, almost reveling as it spits out the bones.
For one thing, I've begun to get a clue about how hard it is to pull off.
Stephen Hunt worked hard as Reading tried to pull a goal back, but Cahill had a fine game in the Bolton defence.
In the War on Terror, it is comparatively easy to pull the trigger the truly hard task is to figure out where to aim.
FORBES: The Death of bin Laden and the Rebirth of the Torture Question
Right, time to pull myself together and get back to the hard nosed gaming journalism.
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"It is heartbreaking to pull the garden up and see all our hard work go to nothing, " said Mrs Rolfe.
"We have to pull ourselves tight, get out there and scrap hard to get ourselves back into the game, " said Moores.
But Compaq investors have had painful experience that shows just how hard it will be for management to pull it off.
Docs has pretty much acted as my own little hard drive of work that I can pull up quickly from any machine.
We remain concerned that the future performance of the very assets the Fed, indirectly, has been ratcheting higher may be subject to a hard landing when they, inevitably, pull back on their policy of, essentially, providing unlimited liquidity as a backstop for these markets.
FORBES: 5 Reasons Why Ben is "Killing Me Softly With His Song"
It would be hard for Democrats to force Mr Bush to pull out of Iraq, short of cutting off funds which no one is contemplating.